( function( window ) {
'use strict';
// class helper functions from bonzo https://github.com/ded/bonzo
function classReg( className ) {
return new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + className + "(\\s+|$)");
// classList support for class management
// altho to be fair, the api sucks because it won't accept multiple classes at once
var hasClass, addClass, removeClass;
if ( 'classList' in document.documentElement ) {
hasClass = function( elem, c ) {
return elem.classList.contains( c );
addClass = function( elem, c ) {
elem.classList.add( c );
removeClass = function( elem, c ) {
elem.classList.remove( c );
else {
hasClass = function( elem, c ) {
return classReg( c ).test( elem.className );
addClass = function( elem, c ) {
if ( !hasClass( elem, c ) ) {
elem.className = elem.className + ' ' + c;
removeClass = function( elem, c ) {
elem.className = elem.className.replace( classReg( c ), ' ' );
function toggleClass( elem, c ) {
var fn = hasClass( elem, c ) ? removeClass : addClass;
fn( elem, c );
var classie = {
// full names
hasClass: hasClass,
addClass: addClass,
removeClass: removeClass,
toggleClass: toggleClass,
// short names
has: hasClass,
add: addClass,
remove: removeClass,
toggle: toggleClass
// transport
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( classie );
} else {
// browser global
window.classie = classie;
})( window );
;( function( window ) {
'use strict';
function extend( a, b ) {
for( var key in b ) {
if( b.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
a[key] = b[key];
return a;
function SVGLoader( el, options ) {
this.el = el;
this.options = extend( {}, this.options );
extend( this.options, options );
SVGLoader.prototype.options = {
speedIn : 500,
easingIn : mina.linear
SVGLoader.prototype._init = function() {
var s = Snap( this.el.querySelector( 'svg' ) );
this.path = s.select( 'path' );
this.initialPath = this.path.attr('d');
var openingStepsStr = this.el.getAttribute( 'data-opening' );
this.openingSteps = openingStepsStr ? openingStepsStr.split(';') : '';
this.openingStepsTotal = openingStepsStr ? this.openingSteps.length : 0;
if( this.openingStepsTotal === 0 ) return;
// if data-closing is not defined then the path will animate to its original shape
var closingStepsStr = this.el.getAttribute( 'data-closing' ) ? this.el.getAttribute( 'data-closing' ) : this.initialPath;
this.closingSteps = closingStepsStr ? closingStepsStr.split(';') : '';
this.closingStepsTotal = closingStepsStr ? this.closingSteps.length : 0;
this.isAnimating = false;
if( !this.options.speedOut ) {
this.options.speedOut = this.options.speedIn;
if( !this.options.easingOut ) {
this.options.easingOut = this.options.easingIn;
SVGLoader.prototype.show = function() {
if( this.isAnimating ) return false;
this.isAnimating = true;
// animate svg
var self = this,
onEndAnimation = function() {
classie.addClass( self.el, 'pageload-loading' );
this._animateSVG( 'in', onEndAnimation );
classie.add( this.el, 'show' );
SVGLoader.prototype.hide = function() {
var self = this;
classie.removeClass( this.el, 'pageload-loading' );
this._animateSVG( 'out', function() {
// reset path
self.path.attr( 'd', self.initialPath );
classie.removeClass( self.el, 'show' );
self.isAnimating = false;
} );
SVGLoader.prototype._animateSVG = function( dir, callback ) {
var self = this,
pos = 0,
steps = dir === 'out' ? this.closingSteps : this.openingSteps,
stepsTotal = dir === 'out' ? this.closingStepsTotal : this.openingStepsTotal,
speed = dir === 'out' ? self.options.speedOut : self.options.speedIn,
easing = dir === 'out' ? self.options.easingOut : self.options.easingIn,
nextStep = function( pos ) {
if( pos > stepsTotal - 1 ) {
if( callback && typeof callback == 'function' ) {
self.path.animate( { 'path' : steps[pos] }, speed, easing, function() { nextStep(pos); } );
// add to global namespace
window.SVGLoader = SVGLoader;
})( window );
(function() {
var pageWrap = document.getElementById( 'pagewrap' ),
pages = [].slice.call( pageWrap.querySelectorAll( 'div.container' ) ),
currentPage = 0,
triggerLoading = [].slice.call( pageWrap.querySelectorAll( 'a.pageload-link' ) ),
loader = new SVGLoader( document.getElementById( 'loader' ), { speedIn : 400, easingIn : mina.easeinout } );
function init() {
triggerLoading.forEach( function( trigger ) {
trigger.addEventListener( 'click', function( ev ) {
// after some time hide loader
setTimeout( function() {
classie.removeClass( pages[ currentPage ], 'show' );
// update..
currentPage = currentPage ? 0 : 1;
classie.addClass( pages[ currentPage ], 'show' );
}, 2000 );
} );
} );