
时间:2017-10-23 22:12:02

标签: applescript restore


on test(applicationName)
    -- do some work
    -- restore all windows
    -- do some more work
end test


tell application "Maps"
   set miniaturized of windows to false
end tell

(见Un-minimizing an app with Applescript

但是这需要在编译时指定应用程序的名称 - 我必须将应用程序的名称硬编码到代码中 - 我不能使用"告诉应用程序applicationName"即使applicationName是一个字符串:

on test(applicationName)
    -- do some work

    -- restore all windows
    tell application applicationName
        set miniaturized of windows to false
    end tell

    --- do some more work
end test

(见tell application - string vs. string?



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


与通过应用程序对象本身尝试执行此操作不同,所讨论的应用程序不需要AppleScript。我相信在 System Events 下运行的包含windows的所有进程都有一组可通过AppleScript访问的属性,包括一个名为 AXMiniaturized 的属性,其值为truefalse

虽然我没有尝试用您的方法诊断问题,但我确实起草了这种方法(尽管在MacOS 10.13上),这似乎证实了我所说的内容。希望脚本非常明显:

    use application "System Events"

    repeat with ProcessName in getProcessesWithMiniaturizedWindows()
        RestoreAllWindows for ProcessName
    end repeat

    on getProcessesWithMiniaturizedWindows()

        return name of (every process whose ¬
            windows's attribute "AXMinimized"'s value ¬
            contains true)

    end getProcessesWithMiniaturizedWindows

    on RestoreAllWindows for AppProcess as text
        local AppProcess

        set value of attribute "AXMinimized" of ¬
            (every window of process AppProcess whose ¬
                value of attribute "AXMinimized" is true) ¬
                to false

    end RestoreAllWindows

答案 1 :(得分:0)


on test(applicationName)
    -- do some work

    -- restore all windows
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process applicationName
            tell every window
                set value of attribute "AXMinimized" to false
            end tell
        end tell
    end tell

    --- do some more work
end test