我的程序工作正常,但我在输出中得到一些不规则的空格。例如,如果输入为44 * 5 + 6
,则输出为44<2 spaces>5<1 space>*<1space>6<no space>+
。我试图摆弄添加到String后缀的所有代码行,但无济于事。我希望输出为以下形式:操作数&lt; 1 space&gt;操作数&lt; 1 space&gt;运算符(即操作数和运算符之间的1个空格。“
import java.util.*;
public class PostfixConversion {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.print("Enter an expression: ");
String infix = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine();
String postfix = convertToPostfix(infix);
//System.out.println("The result of calculation is: " + postfixEvaluate("23+"));
//converts infix expression into postfix expression
public static String convertToPostfix(String infixExp) {
String postFix = "The Postfix Expression is: ";
Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<Character>();
char character = ' ';
for(int i = 0; i < infixExp.length(); i++)
character = infixExp.charAt(i);
//determine if character is an operator
if(character == '*' || character == '-' || character == '/' || character == '+')
//postFix += " ";
while(!stack.empty() && precedence(stack.peek(), character))
postFix += stack.pop();
} else if(character == '(') {
} else if(character == ')') {
while(!stack.peek().equals('(') && !stack.isEmpty())
postFix += stack.pop();
if(!stack.isEmpty() && stack.peek().equals('('))
stack.pop(); // pop/remove left parenthesis
} else
postFix += character;
while(!stack.empty()) //add the remaining elements of stack to postfix expression
postFix = "There is no matching right parenthesis.";
return postFix;
postFix += stack.pop();
return postFix;
public static boolean precedence(char first, char second) {
int v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
//find value for first operator
if(first == '-' || first == '+')
v1 = 1;
else if(first == '*' || first == '/')
v1 = 2;
//find value for second operator
if(second == '-' || second == '+')
v2 = 1;
else if(second == '*' || second == '/')
v2 = 2;
if(v1 < v2)
return false;
return true;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
首先从输入中删除所有空格,以便它们不会破坏您的格式:infixExp = infixExp.replaceAll("\\s","");