strInput byte 7 dup(?) ;used to store user input
;6 available chars + null
...code that converts strInput ascii to int and puts it in eax...
cmp eax, 32767 ;compare input to max positive word size
jg exceedsBounds ;jump to error message
cmp eax, -32768 ;compare input to max negative word size
jl exceedsBounds ;jump to error message
mov iVal, eax ;store value in signed placeholder
mov esi, 0 ;use esi as a counter, set it to 0
jmp checkChars ;go to inspect chars
mov al, strInput[esi] ;grab the byte at esi
;input method stores each char as a byte capped by null
inc esi ;move to next byte
cmp al, 0 ;check if at the end (null cap)
jmp goodEntry ;if at end, it's good
cmp al, 45 ;compare to minus sign
je minus ;jump to minus handler (checks for multiples)
cmp al, 57 ;compare to "9"
jg invalidChar ;if al is greater than ascii 57, invalid
cmp al, 49 ;compare to "0"
jl invalidChar ;if al is less than ascii 49, invalid
jmp checkChars ;loop back to check next char