class GameSimulatorHelper extends Model
public function run()
// Get all the games from the database.
$games = Game::all();
// Simulate each game.
foreach ($games as $g) {
$sim = new GameSimulator();
class GameSimulator extends Model
public $homeGoals = 0;
public $awayGoals = 0;
// A bunch of other class variables here.
public function run($game)
// This function just resets all the class variables for the next game to be simulated.
echo 'MEMORY USAGE: '.memory_get_usage(true) . "\n";
public function simulate()
$maxPeriods = 3;
for ($p=1; $p <= $maxPeriods; $p++) {
for ($i=1; $i <= 1200; $i++) {
// Do many things here like get and set data in database.
// Many other functions below.