无法使用REST API在VSTS中访问我的存储库

时间:2017-10-12 22:20:17

标签: azure-devops azure-devops-rest-api


 public class VSTSController : ApiController
    const String c_collectionUri = "https://****.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection";
    const String c_projectName = "****";
    const String c_repoName = "****";

    public string Init()

        // Interactively ask the user for credentials, caching them so the user isn't constantly prompted
        VssCredentials creds = new VssClientCredentials();
        creds.Storage = new VssClientCredentialStorage();

        // Connect to VSTS
        VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(c_collectionUri), creds);

        // Get a GitHttpClient to talk to the Git endpoints
        GitHttpClient gitClient = connection.GetClient<GitHttpClient>();

        // Get data about a specific repository
        var repo = gitClient.GetRepositoryAsync(c_projectName, c_repoName).Result;
        return repo.RemoteUrl;

当我运行此代码时,我收到异常Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.VssUnauthorizedException' occurred in mscorlib.dll but was not handled in user code。 如何对VSTS REST API进行身份验证?我无法理解这个documentation

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评论告诉您在WebAPI应用程序中实现此问题的确切原因:// Interactively ask the user for credentials, caching them so the user isn't constantly prompted



VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, pat));


但是,您可能希望最终实施OAuth身份验证,该身份验证已完整记录并提供了sample code