I am using a function to open a first file and to copy the content to another one with some changes. First I look for a symbole that I want to do some changes before it, my problem is that the function is looking for all the same symbole and make changes before all of them. I want from the function to only look for the first occurance of the symbole and to make changes. here is the code:
public static void Trouver(String theInputFileName, String theOutputFileName, String theSymbol, String theExpression ){
int m_IndexDebut = -1;
String m_TmpStr = null;
String m_OutputString = "";
boolean m_found = false;
RandomAccessFile m_InputFile = null;
RandomAccessFile m_OutputFile = null;
String m_Ligne = null;
String m_xref = "xref";
// Ouverture du fichier
m_InputFile = new RandomAccessFile(theInputFileName, "r");
m_OutputFile = new RandomAccessFile(theOutputFileName, "rw");
// Lecture Ligne par Ligne
while ( (m_Ligne = m_InputFile.readLine() ) != m_xref ){
// Initialisation de l'index pour une nouvelle ligne
m_IndexDebut = -1;
m_found = false;
m_OutputString = "";
m_TmpStr = m_Ligne;
// On Cherche le "symbole" et on ajoute ce qu'on à ajouter
while ( m_TmpStr != theSymbol && (m_IndexDebut = m_TmpStr.indexOf(theSymbol)) != -1 ){
m_found = true;
m_OutputString = m_TmpStr.substring(0, m_IndexDebut).concat(theExpression).concat("\n").concat( theSymbol );
m_TmpStr = m_TmpStr.substring(m_IndexDebut + theSymbol.length() );
// Ajout de la fin de la ligne
if ( m_found )
m_OutputString = m_OutputString.concat("\n");
// Si aucun symbole trouvé ,Réecriture de la ligne
m_OutputString = m_Ligne.concat("\n");
// Ajout de cette ligne au fichier sortant
m_OutputFile.write( m_OutputString.getBytes());
}catch (IOException e){
System.err.println("IOException : "+e.getMessage());
}finally {
// Fermeture des fichiers
}catch ( Exception e ){