从char *精确投射的gcc选项

时间:2017-10-12 01:06:50

标签: c gcc




 char* buf; // assumed allocated
 int   num = 0;

 1 -   *(int*)buf = num; // I expect four bytes of zero but it writes 1 byte

 2 -  *(int*)buf ++ = num; // I expect buf to be incremented by 4 but it is buf+1

 3 -   *((int*)buf) ++ = num; // cant compile (never compiled with gcc)

 4 -   num = *buf ++; // I expect buf to be +1, but it increments buf by 4 bytes

 5 -   *(word)buf ++ = (word)0; // I expect 2 bytes 0, writes only 1 byte 0

腐败可能带来哪些选择? 3从未编译,其他用于编译和定期工作。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


*(int*)buf = num; // I expect four bytes of zero but it writes 1 byte


char *

演员int * - >如果指针没有适当对齐,则*(int*)buf ++ = num; // I expect buf to be incremented by 4 but it is buf+1 具有未定义的行为;此外,在一般指针转换的情况下,它会破坏严格的别名规则。


优先顺序,*((int*)buf) ++ = num; // cant compile (never compiled with gcc) 增量先于演员表。另外,如果 1 的情况没有未定义的行为,那么很可能会这样,因为你得到一个未对齐的指针,然后转换为指向int的指针。


这与演员阵容无关。问题是左侧构造将指针强制转换为指向int *的指针,生成类型5++; 的值表达式。这不能增加,因为它不是变量;它和

num = *buf ++; // I expect buf to be +1, but it increments buf by 4 bytes


*(word)buf ++ = (word)0; // I expect 2 bytes 0, writes only 1 byte 0


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答案 1 :(得分:0)

*(int*)buf = num; // I expect four bytes of zero but it writes 1 byte


*(int*)buf ++ = num; // I expect buf to be incremented by 4 but it is buf+1

++higher precedence而不是(C风格)演员。因此,在写入sizeof(int)字节之后,就像前一个语句一样,这个字节将递增buf以指向缓冲区中的下一个char。您观察到的行为听起来是正确的。

*((int*)buf) ++ = num; // cant compile (never compiled with gcc)

强制转换表达式(int*)buf创建一个新的临时指针,该指针是从buf的值转换而来的。它不是变量buf的名称,您无法像x + y = z;那样对其进行修改。这听起来像你想要的:

*(int*)buf = num;
buf += sizeof(int);
num = *buf ++; // I expect buf to be +1, but it increments buf by 4 bytes

这将获得charbuf的单int,将其转换为num并将其存储在buf中,然后将char增加到buf指向缓冲区中的下一个*(word)buf ++ = (word)0; // I expect 2 bytes 0, writes only 1 byte 0 。你有什么证据,它会使word增加4&#34;?



如果它是指针类型,请首先请不要使用隐藏指针的typedef!请再次注意,由于char的优先级高于强制转换,因此在执行*(word)buf = (word)0;之后,Excel.DataLabel dl1 = (Excel.DataLabel)series.DataLabels(0); dl1.NumberFormat = "0.00%;-0.00%;"; 会将export default class Index extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { window.onGoogleLoginSuccess = this.onGoogleLoginSuccess.bind(this) } render() { return ( <div className="g-signin2" data-onsuccess="onGoogleLoginSuccess" data-theme="dark" /> } } 增加一import Stack def palidromeChecker(words): palidromestack = Stack.Stack() words = user_input("Type a word: ") for x in words: palidromestack.push(x) palindrome = True for x in words: if x != palidromestack.top(): palindrome = False break palidromestack.pop() if palindrome: print (words, "is a palindrome") else: print (words, "is not a palindrome")

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我回到Borland C ++ 5.02解决了这个问题。

  3 -   *((int*)buf) ++ = num; // cant compile (never compiled with gcc)


*(type*)buf = (type)num;
buf += sizeof(type);


int    __fastcall HNode::send(char* buf)
    char* tmp = buf;
        *((word*)tmp) ++ = *(word*)B; // first 16 bits (persistent info)
        tmp += HspKod::send(tmp);
        tmp += puts(tmp, str); // acn name
        tmp += alt->send(tmp); // node list (null writes (word)0 only
    } return tmp-buf;

int    __fastcall HNode::read(char* buf)
    char* tmp = buf;
        *(word*)B = *((word*)tmp) ++; // persistent info bits
        tmp += HspKod::read(tmp);
        tmp += gets(tmp, str); // acn name
        int num = *((word*)tmp); // number of sub-nodes
        if(num && alt==0)
            alt = new HNods(this);
        tmp += alt->read(tmp);  // alt reads 2 bytes even if it is null
    } return tmp-buf;