MERGE Table1 AS T USING Table2 AS S ON (T.1 = S.10)
WHEN MATCHED AND T.2 = 'testname1' THEN UPDATE SET T.4 = S.11
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (t.3, t.1, t.2, t.4) VALUES (22, S.10, 'testname1', s.11);
MERGE Table1 AS T USING Table2 AS S ON (T.1 = S.10)
WHEN MATCHED AND T.2 = 'testname2' THEN UPDATE SET T.4 = S.11
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (t.3, t.1, t.2, t.4) VALUES (22, S.10, 'testname2', s.11);
我需要每次运行5次更改T.2的数据。更新语句可以正常运行5次,但插入仅适用于第一次运行,因为t.1现在退出表中,并且您不能在没有匹配时和对目标列的引用。我想要的是"WHEN NOT MATCHED AND T.2 <> 'testname2' THEN INSERT ....
t.1是你可以加入的唯一列,当完成每个t.1应该有5行数据,t.2和t.4更新为s10和s.11的数据。 Testname是文本,不存储在任何表格中。
completed data
22, 1234, testname 1, text 11
22, 1234, testname 2, text 12
22, 1234, testname 3, text 13
22, 1234, testname 4, text 14
22, 1234, testname 5, text 15