我在Linux下使用Python 3.6(Anaconda发行版)(Ubuntu 16.04)。我一直试图使用MayAVI动画一些图,但代码崩溃了。
ImportError: Could not import backend for traits
Make sure that you have either the TraitsBackendWx or the TraitsBackendQt
projects installed. If you installed Mayavi with easy_install, try
easy_install <pkg_name>. easy_install Mayavi[app] will also work.
If you performed a source checkout, be sure to run 'python setup.py install'
in Traits, TraitsGUI, and the Traits backend of your choice.
Also make sure that either wxPython or PyQT is installed.
wxPython: http://www.wxpython.org/
PyQT: http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/intro
ERROR: Module: main could not be imported
但我使用pip安装了Mayavi [app]:
conda install pip
pip install mayavi[app]
我还尝试了其他几种解决方案,例如this和this one,但我总是得到相同的错误消息。
conda install mayavi
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- mayavi -> apptools 4.2.0 -> python 2.7*
- python 3.6*