不幸的是,我发现这样做的唯一方法是使用一些jQuery hacks在菜单项上设置$photo = $request->file('img');
$path = storage_path('app/public/avatars/');
$photo->move($path, $request->file('img')->getClientOriginalName());
演示: https://jsfiddle.net/tripflex/qaf7x4nr/

// Dummy values
window.vals = [
name: 'John Doe',
value: 'john_doe'
name: 'John Smith',
value: 'john_smith'
name : 'Mary Doe',
value : 'mary_doe',
name : 'Jane Smith',
value : 'jane_smith',
$( '.ui.dropdown' ).dropdown(
values: window.vals, // Use dummy values to generate dropdown items
onChange: function( selected_value, text, $choice ){
selection_changed( selected_value );
function selection_changed( selected ){
$form = $('.ui.form');
// I'm using Semantic UI form validation to get all values of existing dropdown inputs,
// this could also be done with plain jQuery as well, just makes for quicker/easier pull
// of values
var selected_vals = $form.form('get values', 'dropdown_input' );
// Remove disabled class from all menu items
$( '.ui.dropdown > .menu > .item' ).removeClass( 'disabled' );
// Loop through each selected value and add Disabled class
$.each( selected_vals, function( index, value ){
if( value ){
// Loop through each menu item
$( '.ui.dropdown > .menu div[data-value="' + value + '"]' ).each( function(){
// If already has class "selected" we don't want to disable that one
if( ! $(this).hasClass('selected') ){
// Add disabled class so user can't select it in other dropdowns
$( this ).addClass( 'disabled' );

.ui.form {
padding: 1em;