我正在尝试将XML文件(我不知道的内容/结构)转换为自定义树。 该树具有以下形式的构造函数:
InformationNode有一个 addChild 函数,没有子项数量的限制。我目前的代码如下:
public static InformationNode fromXML(String xml)
xml = xml.Replace("< ", "<").Replace("</ ", "</"); //Bugfix for some API's.
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
var details = xdoc.Root.Elements();
String key = "->";
InformationNode node = new InformationNode(key, "", InformationType.Object);
foreach (var detail in details)
//If XML is Leaf.
if (details.Count() == 0 && int.TryParse(detail.Value.Trim().ToString(), out var n))
return new InformationNode(key, detail.Value.Trim().ToString(), InformationType.Int);
if (details.Count() == 0)
return new InformationNode(key, detail.Value.Trim().ToString(), InformationType.String);
//If XML is object:
return node;
但遗憾的是返回了一个空节点。 谁能告诉我我做错了什么?
编辑: 根据要求:2个测试用例。
InformationNode a = InformationNode.fromXML("<stationcode> 6391 </ stationcode >");
InformationNode b = InformationNode.fromXML("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf - 8\" ?><weerstation id=\"6391\"><stationcode> 6391 </ stationcode >< stationnaam regio = \"Venlo\" > Meetstation Arcen </ stationnaam >< lat > 51.50 </ lat >< lon > 6.20 </ lon >< datum > 09 / 28 / 2017 20:20:00 </ datum >< luchtvochtigheid > 80 </ luchtvochtigheid >< temperatuurGC > 18.7 </ temperatuurGC >< windsnelheidMS > 3.5 </ windsnelheidMS >< windsnelheidBF > 3 </ windsnelheidBF >< windrichtingGR > 207 </ windrichtingGR >< windrichting > ZZW </ windrichting >< luchtdruk > -</ luchtdruk >< zichtmeters > -</ zichtmeters >< windstotenMS > 6.4 </ windstotenMS >< regenMMPU > -</ regenMMPU >< zonintensiteitWM2 > -</ zonintensiteitWM2 >< icoonactueel ID = \"cc\" zin = \"Zwaar bewolkt\" >https://www.buienradar.nl/resources/images/icons/weather/30x30/cc.png</ icoonactueel >< temperatuur10cm > 18.2 </ temperatuur10cm >< url >http://www.buienradar.nl/nederland/weerbericht/weergrafieken/6391</ url >< latGraden > 51.83 </ latGraden >< lonGraden > 6.33 </ lonGraden ></ weerstation > ");
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public static InformationNode fromXML(String xml)
xml = xml.Replace("< ", "<").Replace("</ ", "</"); //Bugfix for some API's.
var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
var details = xdoc.Root.Elements();
var key = "->";
var node = new InformationNode(key, "", InformationType.Object);
// Do we have any child nodes?
if(details != null && details.Any())
foreach (var detail in details)
//If XML is object, recurse:
// No child nodes - try to read the current element's value
var rootValue = xdoc.Root.Value.Trim();
//If XML is Leaf.
if (int.TryParse(rootValue, out var n))
node = InformationNode(key, rootValue, InformationType.Int);
node = InformationNode(key, rootValue, InformationType.String);
return node;