Kendo Grid UI Html帮助枚举行值替换

时间:2017-10-02 10:14:43

标签: c# enums telerik telerik-grid telerik-mvc


            .Columns(columns =>
                columns.Bound(p => p.OrderID).Filterable(false);
                columns.Bound(p => p.Freight).EditorTemplateName("Test"); //This is the value to change
                columns.Bound(p => p.OrderDate).Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}");
                columns.Bound(p => p.ShipName).Filterable(f => f.UI("shipName"));
                columns.Bound(p => p.ShipCity).Filterable(f => f.UI("shipCity"));
            .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height:550px;" })
            .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                .Read(read => read.Action("Orders_Read", "Grid"))
   @functions {
   public string UseEnum(string x)
       return Enum.Parse(typeof(TelerikAspNetCoreApp2.Enums.Test), x).ToString();


public enum Test
    zero = 0,
    one = 10,
    two = 20,
    three = 30,
    four = 40,
    five = 50

public static List<SelectListItem> EnumToSelectList(Type enumType)
            return Enum
                  .Select(i => new SelectListItem
                      Value = i.ToString(),
                      Text = Enum.GetName(enumType, i),
        @functions {
    public string UseEnum(string x)
        return Enum.Parse(typeof(TelerikAspNetCoreApp2.Enums.Prova), x).ToString();

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以尝试在View的View中为该Controller添加一个文件夹,并将其命名为“EditorTemplates”,然后为“Test”创建一个局部视图。这将是您对该字段的控制,并在您使用网格调用该视图时添加 ViewBag.EnumTest ,因为这将映射到您的EditorTemplate部分视图。


    .Placeholder("Select Freight")
    .HtmlAttributes(new { @id = "Freight", @name = "Freight"})

ViewBag.EnumTest = EnumToSelectList;所以它将有一个将在组合框中使用的SelectListItem。


    List<SelectListItem> EnumTest = new List<SelectListItem>
        new SelectListItem 
            Value = "0",
            Text = "zero "
        new SelectListItem 
            Value = "10",
            Text = "one"
        new SelectListItem 
            Value = "20",
            Text = "two"
        new SelectListItem 
            Value = "30",
            Text = "three"
        new SelectListItem 
            Value = "40",
            Text = "four"
        new SelectListItem 
            Value = "50",
            Text = "five"

    .Placeholder("Select Freight")
    .HtmlAttributes(new { @id = "Freight", @name = "Freight"})