
时间:2017-09-30 08:42:32

标签: excel vba excel-vba

我有一长串的代码。 VBE说它有语法错误。我检查了代码,我很确定它应该没问题。我超过了限制吗?

Worksheets("DTR").Cells(Total_Rows_Formulas + 1, 26) = "=IF(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!D$2:D$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))=""Extra"",0,IF(DTR!AI" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "=""Sunday"",IF(IFERROR(INDEX('Holidays Table'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!C" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Holidays Table'!A$2:A$1048576,0)),0)=""Regular"",IF(SUM(DTR!P" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ":S" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")=0,INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0)),INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))+(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*(DTR!P" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+DTR!R" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ") _
            +2*(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*0.3*(DTR!P" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+DTR!R" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")+(DTR!Q" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+DTR!S" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")*(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*2*1.3*1.3+(DTR!R" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+1.3*DTR!S" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")*(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*2*1.3*0.1),IF(IFERROR(INDEX('Holidays Table'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!C" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Holidays Table'!A$2:A$1048576,0)),0)=""SNWH"",IF(SUM(DTR!P" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ":S" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")=0 _
            ,0,(DTR!P" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+DTR!R" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")*(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*1.5+(DTR!Q" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+DTR!S" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")*(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*1.5*1.3+(DTR!R" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+1.3*DTR!S" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")*(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*1.5*0.1),0)),IF(IFERROR(INDEX('Holidays Table'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!C" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Holidays Table'!A$2:A$1048576,0)),0)=""Regular"",IF(SUM(DTR!P" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ":S" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")=0 _
            ,INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0)),INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))+(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*(DTR!P" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+DTR!R" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")+(DTR!Q" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+DTR!S" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")*(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*2*1.3 _
            +(DTR!R" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+1.3*DTR!S" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")*(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*2*0.1),IF(IFERROR(INDEX('Holidays Table'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!C" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Holidays Table'!A$2:A$1048576,0)),0)=""SNWH"",IF(SUM(DTR!P" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ":S" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")=0,0,(DTR!P" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+DTR!R" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")*(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*1.3+(DTR!Q" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+DTR!S" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")*(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*1.3*1.3 _
            +(DTR!R" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & "+1.3*DTR!S" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ")*(INDEX('Payroll Tables and Settings'!B$2:B$1048576,MATCH(DTR!B" & Total_Rows_Formulas + 1 & ",'Payroll Tables and Settings'!A$2:A$1048576,0))/8)*1.3*0.1),0))))"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


public function addImages(Request $request, $imagesProductId)
    $product   = Product::create($request->all());
    $filenames = array();

    if (empty($request->images)) {
        return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['msg', 'The Message']);

    $rules = [
        'images' => 'mimes:jpeg,jpg,png'                 // allowed MIMEs
            . '|max:1000'                                // max size in Kb
            . '|dimensions:min_width=100,min_height=200' // size in pixels

    $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules);
    $result    = $validator->fails() ? 'QCFailed' : 'QCVerified';

    foreach ($request->images as $photo) {
        $filename    = substr($photo->store('public/uploadedImages'), 22);
        $filenames[] = asset('storage/uploadedImages/'.$filename);

            'product_id'    => $product->id,
            'productId'     => $imagesProductId,
            'nonliveStatus' => $result,
            'filename'      => $filename

    return response()->json($filenames);
