日期自动撤消VBA Excel

时间:2017-09-27 18:18:13

标签: excel vba excel-vba date reversing



Dim InsertedDate as Date

On Error Resume Next

InsertedDate = Me.BoxDate.Value

If InsertedDate = 0 Then

     'Do Something


     'Do Something Different

End If





18/12/2017       'InsertedDate Value


12/18/2017       'InsertedDate Value


Format(InsertedDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")    'Did not work

InsertedDate = CDate(Me.BoxDate.Value)  'Did not work


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


diamesano = Me.BoxDate.Value
'diamesano = "12/18/2017"

    dia = CLng(Left(diamesano, 2))
    mes = CLng(Left(Mid(diamesano, 4), 2))
    ano = CLng(Right(diamesano, 4)) 'Assuming year with 4 digits, otherwise some tweaks are necessary
    Debug.Print "day: " & dia & " month: " & mes & " Year: " & ano

    date_error = 0
    If mes >= 1 And mes <= 12 Then 'Check if month is ok
        mesAno = (Right(diamesano, 7))
        DiasNoMes = Day(DateSerial(Year(mesAno), Month(mesAno) + 1, 0))
        If dia >= 1 And dia <= DiasNoMes Then 'Check the amount of days on this month and if is in range
            Debug.Print "OK"
           'Do something because the Date is valid!
            date_error = 1
        End If
            date_error = 1
    End If

If date_error = 1 Then
         Debug.Print "NOK"
        'Date is invalid =P
End If




如果用户输入另一种格式为&#34; d / m / yy&#34;,则以下代码将更正。其中函数EXTRACTELEMENT将按/拆分字符串并获取元素。

Function EXTRACTELEMENT(Txt As String, n, Separator As String) As String
 On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
 EXTRACTELEMENT = Split(Application.Trim(Mid(Txt, 1)), Separator)(n - 1)
 Exit Function
    ' error handling code
    MsgBox "ERROR: Verify if the data exists, example if the separator is correct."
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

所以要使用UDF,如果日期是diamesano = "2/5/14"

  • 当天将是EXTRACTELEMENT(CStr(diamesano), 1, "/"),其中1是第一个元素,即值2
  • 月份将是EXTRACTELEMENT(CStr(diamesano), 2, "/"),其中2是第二个元素,即值5
  • 年份将是EXTRACTELEMENT(CStr(diamesano), 3, "/"),其中3是第3个元素,即值14



diamesano = "12/18/2017"

    dia = CLng(EXTRACTELEMENT(CStr(diamesano), 1, "/"))
    mes = CLng(EXTRACTELEMENT(CStr(diamesano), 2, "/"))
    ano = CLng(EXTRACTELEMENT(CStr(diamesano), 3, "/"))
    Debug.Print "day: " & dia & " month: " & mes & " Year: " & ano

    date_error = 0
    If mes >= 1 And mes <= 12 Then 'Check if month is ok
        mesAno = mes & "/" & ano
        DiasNoMes = Day(DateSerial(Year(mesAno), Month(mesAno) + 1, 0))
        If dia >= 1 And dia <= DiasNoMes Then 'Check the amount of days on this month and if is in range
            Debug.Print "OK"
           'Do something because the Date is valid!
           date_error = 1
        End If
        date_error = 1
    End If

    If date_error = 1 Then
             Debug.Print "NOK"
            'Date is invalid =P
    End If


Function IsDateRight(diamesano) As String
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
    dia = CLng(Split(Application.Trim(Mid(CStr(diamesano), 1)), "/")(0))
    mes = CLng(Split(Application.Trim(Mid(CStr(diamesano), 1)), "/")(1))
    ano = CLng(Split(Application.Trim(Mid(CStr(diamesano), 1)), "/")(2))

    'Debug.Print "day: " & dia & " month: " & mes & " Year: " & ano

    date_error = 0
    If mes >= 1 And mes <= 12 Then 'Check if month is ok
        mesAno = mes & "/" & ano
        DiasNoMes = Day(DateSerial(Year(mesAno), Month(mesAno) + 1, 0))
        If dia >= 1 And dia <= DiasNoMes Then 'Check the amount of days on this month and if is in range
            IsDateRight = "Yes"
           'Do something because the Date is valid!
           date_error = 1
        End If
        date_error = 1
    End If

    If date_error = 1 Then
             IsDateRight = "No"
            'Date is invalid =P
    End If
    Exit Function
    ' error handling code
    MsgBox "ERROR: Verify if the data exists, example if the separator is correct."
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function



答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果您选择数据类型为Date,它会自动将日期转换为美国格式 我的建议是检查用户的日期格式并假设他使用相同的(并且这不是最安全的假设):

If Application.International(xlMDY) then
     InsertedDate = Me.BoxDate.Value
     Arr = Split(Me.BoxDate.Value,"/")
     InsertedDate = DateSerial(Arr(2),Arr(1),Arr(0))
End if

但它假设用户使用“/”作为分隔符 - 并且可能存在许多其他情况。您可以使用日期选择器或使用验证日期的功能。

编辑: 实际上这里是我使用的函数的变体及其在代码中的实现:

Sub TestDate()
If ConformDate(Me.BoxDate.Value) = "" Then
    MsgBox "Invalid Date!"
    MsgBox "" & ConformDate(Me.BoxDate.Value) & " is a valid date"
End If
End Sub

Function ConformDate(DataToTransform As String) As String

Dim DTT         As String
Dim delim       As String
Dim i           As Integer
DTT = DataToTransform

DTT = Trim(DTT)
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    .Pattern = "\s+"
    .Global = True
    DTT = .Replace(DTT, " ")
End With
Select Case True
   Case (DTT Like "*/*/*")
        delim = "/"
   Case (DTT Like "*-*-*")
        delim = "-"
   Case (DTT Like "*.*.*")
        delim = "."
   Case (DTT Like "* * *")
        delim = " "
   Case Else
        ConformDate = ""
        Exit Function
End Select
Arr = Split(DTT, delim)
If UBound(Arr) < 2 Then
    ConformDate = ""
    Exit Function
End If
Dim Arrm(2) As String
If Application.International(xlMDY) Then
    Arrm(0) = Arr(0)
    Arrm(1) = Arr(1)
    Arrm(2) = Arr(2)
    Arrm(0) = Arr(1)
    Arrm(1) = Arr(0)
    Arrm(2) = Arr(2)
End If
For i = LBound(Arrm) To UBound(Arrm)
    If Not IsNumeric(Arrm(i)) Then
        ConformDate = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
Select Case i
        Case 0
            ' Month
            If Len(Arrm(i)) < 1 Or Len(Arrm(i)) > 2 Then
                ConformDate = ""
                Exit Function
            End If
            If Left(Arrm(i), 1) = "0" And Len(Arrm(i)) = 1 Then
                ConformDate = ""
                Exit Function
            End If
            If Left(Arrm(i), 1) = "0" Then Arr(i) = Right(Arrm(i), 1)
            If Arrm(i) > 12 Then
                ConformDate = ""
                Exit Function
            End If
        Case 1
            ' Day
            If Len(Arrm(i)) < 1 Or Len(Arrm(i)) > 2 Then
                ConformDate = ""
                Exit Function
            End If

            If Left(Arrm(i), 1) = "0" And Len(Arrm(i)) = 1 Then
                ConformDate = ""
                Exit Function
            End If
            If Left(Arrm(i), 1) = "0" Then Arrm(i) = Right(Arrm(i), 1)
                If Arrm(i) > 31 Then
                ConformDate = ""
                Exit Function
            End If
            Case 2
            ' Year
            If Not (Len(Arrm(i)) = 2 Or Len(Arrm(i)) = 4) Then
                ConformDate = ""
                Exit Function
            End If
            If Len(Arrm(i)) = 2 Then Arrm(i) = Left(Year(Date), 2) & CStr(Arrm(i))
 End Select

If Application.International(xlMDY) Then
    ConformDate = Format((DateSerial(CInt(Arrm(2)), CInt(Arrm(0)), CInt(Arrm(1)))), "dd/mm/yyyy")
     ConformDate = Format((DateSerial(CInt(Arrm(2)), CInt(Arrm(1)), CInt(Arrm(0)))), "dd/mm/yyyy")
End If
End Function