另外,请注意我知道我可以使用CSS轻松实现这一点,但我想知道是否有Javascript / JQuery解决方案。
问题: 我试图在画布上模拟一些文本的fadeIn动画。
var introText =
"Welcome To A New Day...": "75",
"Full Service Web Design": "50",
"by": "50",
"J. David Hock": "50"
$(document).ready(function ()
var canvas = $('#myCanvas')[0];
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var introText =
"Welcome To A New Day...": "75",
"Full Service Web Design": "50",
"by": "50",
"J. David Hock": "50"
function fadeText(timeStamp, t, x, y)
var opacity = timeStamp / 1000;
console.log('Timestamp: ' + timeStamp + ' Opacity: ' + opacity);
console.log('t, x, y |' + t +' | ' + x + ' | ' + y)
//ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
//ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(178, 34, 34, ' + opacity + ')';
//ctx.fillText(t, x, y);
if (opacity < 1)
requestAnimationFrame(function (timestamp)
fadeText(timestamp, t, x, y)
function MessageObject(x, y, f, fs, t)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.f = f;
this.fs = fs;
this.t = t;
var msgArray = [];
function CreateMessageArray(myArray, callback)
var i = 0;
var v = 75;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var f = '';
var fs = '';
var t = '';
for (t in myArray)
fs = myArray[t]; //font size
f = 'italic ' + fs + 'px Bradley Hand'; //font type
x = (canvas.width / 2) //x pos of text
msgArray.push(new MessageObject(x, y, f, fs, t))
y = Number(fs);
//alert('x, y, f, t | ' + x + ' | ' + y + ' | ' + f + ' | ' + t);
return callback(msgArray);
let ProcessMessageArray = function (myArray)
var xPrime = 0;
var yPrime = 0;
for (i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++)
var msgObject = myArray[i];
var x = msgObject.x;
var y = msgObject.y;
var f = msgObject.f;
var fs = msgObject.fs;
var t = msgObject.t;
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
ctx.font = f;
var txtWidth = ctx.measureText(t).width
xPrime = x - (txtWidth / 2);
fadeText(timestamp, t, x, y)
//ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(178, 34, 34, 1)';
//ctx.fillText(t, xPrime, yPrime);
if (i === 0)
yPrime = Number(yPrime) + (2 * Number(fs) - 35);
yPrime = Number(yPrime) + Number(fs);
CreateMessageArray(introText, ProcessMessageArray)
在ProcessMessageArray中有一个对requestAnimationFrame函数的调用,我希望它会“淡入”文本的每一行,但实际发生的是我只获取IntroTextArray中的最后一行文本。 / p>
答案 0 :(得分:0)
管理任何类型动画的最简单方法是使用通过RAF调用的单个动画循环。从该功能中,您可以调用动画。这对于演示顺序问题是安全的,并且可以轻松切换状态。 (例如,在文本淡出之后,您可能希望其他内容消失)
// Removed jQuery and I dont see the need to use it
// The convention in JavaScript is NOT to capitalize the first character
// unless you function / object is created using new ObjectName
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // canvas is named in HTML via its id
canvas.width = innerWidth; // window is the global scope you do not need
canvas.height = innerHeight; //to prefix when accesing its properties
// helper
//const log = (...data) => console.log(data.join(","));
// use an array it is better suited to the data you are storing
const introText = [
["Testing one two.", 75],
["Testing..." , 50],
["One, one two.", 50],
["Is this thing on?", 50],
["",1], // to delay next state
["",1], // to delay next state
const introText1 = [
["Second stage, state 2", 20],
["The End" , 40],
[":)", 30],
["Thanks for watching..",12],
["Dont forget to vote for any answers you find helpfull..",10],
["This intro was brought to you by",12],
["JavaScript (AKA) ECMAScript6",12],
const TEXT_FADE_TIME = 1000; // in ms
// create the array of display arrays
const displayLists = [
createDisplayList(8, introText), // converts simple text array to display list
createDisplayList(8, introText1),
var curretDisplayListIdx = 0;
requestAnimationFrame(mainLoop); // will start when all code has been parsed
var startTime;
function mainLoop(time){ // keep it simple use one animation frame per frame
if(startTime === undefined) { startTime = time }
const timeSinceStart = time - startTime;
ctx.clearRect(0,0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
if (textFadeIn(timeSinceStart, curretDisplayListIdx )) {
if (curretDisplayListIdx < displayLists.length - 1) {
curretDisplayListIdx += 1;
startTime = time;
// creates a display list from text array. top is the start y pos
function createDisplayList(top, array) {
const result = [];
var y = top;
var fontSize;
for (const item of array) {
const fontSize = item[1];
font : 'italic ' + fontSize + 'px Bradley Hand',
text : item[0],
x : canvas.width / 2,
y , fontSize,
startTime : null,
fadeTime : TEXT_FADE_TIME,
alpha : 0, // starting alpha
y += fontSize;
return result;
// displays a text display list from the displayLists array.
// time is time since starting to display the list
// displayListIdx is the index
// returns true when text has faded in
function textFadeIn(time, displayListIdx) {
// complete will be true when all have faded in
const complete = updateDisplayList(displayLists[displayListIdx], time);
return complete;
// separate logic from rendering
function updateDisplayList(array, time) {
var fadeNext = true; // used to indicate that the next item should fade in
// for each item
for (const text of array) {
if (fadeNext) { // has the previous items done its thing?
if (text.startTime === null) { text.startTime = time }
if(text.startTime !== null){ // if start time is set then fade it in
text.alpha = Math.min(1, (time - text.startTime) / text.fadeTime);
if (text.alpha < 1) { fadeNext = false } // if not complete flag fadeNext to stop next text fading in
// if last item is fully faded in return true
return array[array.length - 1].alpha === 1;
// seperate rendering from logic
function renderDisplayList(array) {
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
for (const text of array) {
ctx.font = text.font;
ctx.globalAlpha = text.alpha;
canvas {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>