
时间:2017-09-25 01:43:48

标签: c# winforms

我正在构建一个表单,允许用户输入员工的姓名,工资率和工资时间。一旦将该信息输入三个文本框,用户就会点击一个计算总薪酬,保留社会保障,保留医疗保险,扣缴州税,扣缴联邦税和净工资的按钮。此信息输出到标签。我希望用户能够输入多个员工,并将此信息添加到以前的输入中(如果第一个员工的总薪水为$ 2,000.00,第二个员工的总薪酬为$ 1,000,总薪酬为$ 3,000,等等。)我怎么能完成这个?


public Employees()

    private void SubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        String name;
        decimal hours, payrate, grosspay;
        Boolean error = false;

        name = NameBox.Text;
        if (NameBox.Text == string.Empty)
            MessageBox.Show("You must enter a full name into the name textbox.");
            error = true;
        hours = decimal.Parse(HoursWorkedBox.Text);
        payrate = decimal.Parse(HourRateBox.Text);
        if (hours < 0 || payrate < 0)
            MessageBox.Show("Cannot have negative hours/hourly rate.");
            error = true;

        if (error == false)
            decimal netpay, sswithheld, mcwithheld, statetaxwithheld, fedtaxwithheld;
            grosspay = hours * payrate;
            sswithheld = grosspay * .061m;
            mcwithheld = grosspay * .0143m;
            statetaxwithheld = 0;
            fedtaxwithheld = 0;
            if (grosspay > 0 && grosspay < 600)
                statetaxwithheld = grosspay * .02m;
                fedtaxwithheld = grosspay * .05m;
            else if (grosspay >= 600 && grosspay < 1100)
                statetaxwithheld = grosspay * .04m;
                fedtaxwithheld = grosspay * .10m;
            else if (grosspay >= 1100 && grosspay < 1600)
                statetaxwithheld = grosspay * .06m;
                fedtaxwithheld = grosspay * .15m;
            else if (grosspay >= 1600 && grosspay < 2100)
                statetaxwithheld = grosspay * .06m;
                fedtaxwithheld = grosspay * .20m;
            else if (grosspay >= 2100 && grosspay < 3100)
                statetaxwithheld = grosspay * .06m;
                fedtaxwithheld = grosspay * .25m;
            else if (grosspay > 3100)
                statetaxwithheld = grosspay * .06m;
                fedtaxwithheld = grosspay * .30m;
            netpay = grosspay - fedtaxwithheld - statetaxwithheld - sswithheld - mcwithheld;
            OutputLbl.Text = ("Employee name: " + name + "\nGross pay: " + grosspay + "\nFederal Tax Withheld : " + fedtaxwithheld + "\nState Tax Withheld: " + statetaxwithheld + "\nSocial Security Withheld: " + sswithheld + "\nMedicare Withheld: " + mcwithheld + "\nNet Pay: " + netpay);


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public class Employee
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public double Pay { get; set; }

public class EmployeeController
     private static EmployeeController employeeController = new EmployeeController();
     private { Employees = new List<Employee>(); }
     public static EmployeeController Instance => employeeController;

     public List<Employee> Employees { get; set; }

     public double TotalPay
               var totalPay = 0d;

               foreach (var employee in Employees)
                    totalPay += employee.Pay;

               return totalPay;


public void SomeMethod()
     var newEmployee = new Employee() 
          Name = textboxName.Text,
          Pay = double.Parse(textboxPay.Text)


     labelEmployeePay.Text = newEmployee.Pay;
     labelTotalPay.Text = EmployeeController.Instance.TotalPay;