Swift - UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning没有按预期转换Swift4

时间:2017-09-22 08:19:11

标签: ios swift4 xcode9

我今天刚刚使用Swift4升级到XCode9。 我发现我的UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning不再像预期的那样工作了。 此动画的效果是fromView将缩小到0.95,toView将从右侧滑入。 pop操作将反向执行。 但是现在当我点击NavigationBar的后退按钮时,toView的开始位置是不对的。它显示原始大小toView,然后向上扩展到1.05。


// animate a change from one viewcontroller to another
func animateTransition(using transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning) {
    // get reference to our fromView, toView and the container view that we should perform the transition in
    let container = transitionContext.containerView
    let fromView = transitionContext.view(forKey: UITransitionContextViewKey.from)!
    let toView = transitionContext.view(forKey: UITransitionContextViewKey.to)!

    // set up from 2D transforms that we'll use in the animation
    let offScreenRight = CGAffineTransform(translationX: container.frame.width, y: 0)
    let offScreenDepth = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 0.95, y: 0.95)

    // start the toView to the right of the screen
    if( presenting ){
        toView.transform = offScreenRight

        toView.transform = offScreenDepth


    // get the duration of the animation
    // DON'T just type '0.5s' -- the reason why won't make sense until the next post
    // but for now it's important to just follow this approach
    let duration = self.transitionDuration(using: transitionContext)

    // perform the animation!
    // for this example, just slid both fromView and toView to the left at the same time
    // meaning fromView is pushed off the screen and toView slides into view
    // we also use the block animation usingSpringWithDamping for a little bounce

    UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, delay: 0.0, options: .curveEaseOut, animations: {

        if( self.presenting ){
            fromView.transform = offScreenDepth
            fromView.transform = offScreenRight

        toView.transform = .identity

    }, completion: { finished in



我在此迁移指南页面中找不到任何特别的内容。 https://swift.org/migration-guide-swift4/ 我该怎么做才能使转换再次发挥作用?

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// animate a change from one viewcontroller to another
func animateTransition(using transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning) {

    UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, delay: 0.0, options: .curveEaseOut, animations: {

        if( self.presenting ){
            fromView.transform = offScreenDepth
            fromView.transform = offScreenRight

        toView.transform = .identity

    }, completion: { finished in

        fromView.transform = .identity

