如果最初输入的值小于0或大于23,我希望用户能够立即重新输入另一个值。目前,我的代码输出"请重新输入小于24的值&# 34;并停止。然后必须再次运行它,然后用户才能重新输入另一个值。
printf ("What is the height of the half-pyramids?\n");
int height = get_int();
if (height>23)
printf("please re-enter a value less than 24\n");
else if (height<0)
printf("please re-enter a value more than 0\n");
printf("%i", height);
答案 0 :(得分:2)
while(1) {
printf ("What is the height of the half-pyramids?\n");
int height = get_int();
if (height>23)
printf("please re-enter a value less than 24\n");
else if (height<0)
printf("please re-enter a value more than 0\n");
printf("%d\n", height);
break; // stop stop looping
。见What is the difference between conversion specifiers %i and %d in formatted IO functions (*printf / *scanf)
答案 1 :(得分:2)
do {
printf ("What is the height of the half-pyramids?\n");
int height = get_int();
if (height > 23) {
printf("please re-enter a value less than 24\n");
} else if (height <= 0) {
printf("please re-enter a value more than 0\n");
else {
printf("%i", height);
} while (height <= 0 || height > 23);