Twilsock E:'不支持的协议:Mb \u000bHà\ u0001]ÀÐ\ rr ver undefined'

时间:2017-09-20 21:02:22

标签: react-native twilio twilio-programmable-chat

我在他们的示例中使用Twactio在React Native 0.46.4中创建了一个项目:


import { Client as TwilioChatClient } from "twilio-chat";
import { AccessManager as TwilioAccessManager } from "twilio-common";

const client = new TwilioChatClient(TOKEN, { logLevel: "debug" });
const accessManager = new TwilioAccessManager(TOKEN);

client.initialize().then(() => (
  client.getSubscribedChannels().then(() => {
    // ...

这是结果: Neact Native error


2.195  I: 'Twilsock D:', 'FSM: ', 'startup', ': ', 'none', '>>', 'disconnected'
2.197  I: 'Twilsock D:', 'try to connect to:', 'wss://'
2.199  I: 'Twilsock D:', 'FSM: ', 'userConnect', ': ', 'disconnected', '>>', 'connecting'
2.216  W: Setting a timer for a long period of time, i.e. multiple minutes, is a performance and correctness issue on Android as it keeps the timer module awake, and timers can only be called when the app is in the foreground. See for more info.
2.216  W: (Saw setTimeout with duration 3419784ms)
2.217  W: Setting a timer for a long period of time, i.e. multiple minutes, is a performance and correctness issue on Android as it keeps the timer module awake, and timers can only be called when the app is in the foreground. See for more info.
2.217  W: (Saw setTimeout with duration 3599783ms)
2.244  I: 'EMS D:', 'Token request', { fpa_token: 'xxxx',
2.244  I:   continuation_token: undefined }
2.247  I: 'Chat I:', 'updateToken'
3.096  I: 'EMS D:', 'Token response:', { status: 200,
3.096  I:   headers: 
3.096  I:    { 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
3.096  I:      date: 'Wed, 20 Sep 2017 20:09:53 GMT',
3.096  I:      server: 'nginx',
3.096  I:      'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=15768000',
3.096  I:      'x-shenanigans': 'none',
3.096  I:      'content-length': '1695',
3.096  I:      connection: 'keep-alive' },
3.096  I:   body: 
3.096  I:    { twilio_rtd_token: 'yyy',
3.096  I:      continuation_token: 'zzz',
3.096  I:      ttl: 3599,
3.096  I:      endpoint_ids: { chat: 'twi1-qqq' },
3.096  I:      status: 
3.096  I:       { status: 'NEW',
3.096  I:         reason: 'continuation token has not been provided' },
3.096  I:      identity: '-----',
3.096  I:      account_sid: 'ACxxx',
3.096  I:      instance_sids: { chat: 'ISxxx' } } }
3.100  I: 'Sync D:', 'POST', '', 'ID:', 'RQYYY'
3.103  I: 'Twilsock I:', 'socket opened'
3.103  I: 'Twilsock D:', 'send request:', 'TWILSOCK V3.0 557\r\n{"id":"511c7f9exxxx","method":"init","token":"yyy","payload_size":0}\r\n'
3.105  I: 'Twilsock D:', 'FSM: ', 'socketConnected', ': ', 'connecting', '>>', 'initialising'
3.299  E: 'Twilsock E:', 'unsupported protocol: Mb\u000bHà�\u0001]ÀÐ\r ver undefined'
3.302  W: 'Twilsock W:', 'FSM: unexpected transition', { '0': 'socketClosed',
3.302  W:   '1': 'unsupported',
3.302  W:   '2': 'unsupported',
3.302  W:   '3': [],
3.302  W:   '4': 100,
3.302  W:   '5': 'event socketClosed inappropriate in current state unsupported' }
3.302  I: 'Twilsock D:', 'FSM: ', 'unsupportedProtocol', ': ', 'initialising', '>>', 'unsupported'
4.225  I: 'Sync D:', 'Establishing intent to subscribe to SHvvv'
4.226  I: 'Chat I:', 'Session created', 'SHnnn'
4.226  I: 'Sync D:', 'GET', '', 'ID:', 'RQxxx'
4.357  I: 'Sync D:', 'Twilsock connection (required for subscription) not ready; waiting…'


"twilio-chat": "^1.2.0",
"twilio-common": "^0.1.7",
"twilio-ems-client": "^0.2.6",
"twilio-notifications": "^0.4.4",
"twilio-sync": "^0.5.10",
"twilio-transport": "^0.1.3",
"twilsock": "^0.3.5"

这来自Android模拟器。 有人知道可能发生的事情或我做错了什么吗?


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