WinAPI - GetKeyboardState不包括shift / caps lock / altgr?

时间:2017-09-20 15:21:44

标签: c++ winapi

在寻找将虚拟键转换为unicode字符的方法时,我找到了this answer。碰巧是针对c#,但是C ++中提供了相同的方法,所以我使用了它。这是我目前的代码:

BYTE keyboard_state[256];
GetKeyboardState(keyboard_state); // Fill the array with the status of all keys.

// vk_code comes from a low level keyboard hook.

WCHAR data[256];
const int res = ToUnicode(vk_code, 0, keyboard_state, data, 256, 0); // Convert to unicode.

char str[256];
wcstombs_s(0, str, data, 256); // Convert wchar to string.
std::cout << str << std::endl; // Logs lowercase regardless of shift/caps lock.



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