如何在Igraph C中随机删除边?
我试图从随机生成的网络(使用Erdos Renyi随机网络生成器生成的网络)中随机删除边缘。
code is referenced from a different post。不幸的是,该帖子上的问题也没有答案。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <igraph/igraph.h>
int main() {
int edgeCount=0;
igraph_t g;
igraph_vector_t v;
igraph_vector_t edges;
igraph_vector_t indices;
igraph_vector_init(&indices, 0);
igraph_erdos_renyi_game(&g, IGRAPH_ERDOS_RENYI_GNP, 500, .10,IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, IGRAPH_NO_LOOPS); // Create a random graph
igraph_get_edgelist(&g, &edges, 0); // Put the graph's list of indices in "edges"
int r = rand() % ((int)igraph_ecount(&g)); // Get a random edge index
igraph_vector_push_back(&indices, r); // create a vector of size 1 in which to put the random index found above
igraph_delete_edges(&g, igraph_es_vector(&indices)); // Delete that edge
return igraph_ecount(&g);