arrlen = arrlen - 1
ReDim Preserve vloc(arrlen - 1)
BubbleSort1 vloc
arrlen1 = arrlen1 - 1
ReDim Preserve vloc(arrlen To arrlen1)
BubbleSort1 vloc
上面是我调用各种类型的代码。 arrlen和arrlen1是每个值的总备注的计数器。
Set swFirstNote = swView.GetFirstNote
Set swNote = swView.GetFirstNote
ReDim notes(notesTotalCounter)
ReDim vloc(notesTotalCounter)
i = 0
arrlen = 0
While Not swNote Is Nothing
If swNote.GetText Like "`*" Then
Set swAnno = swNote.GetAnnotation
loc = swAnno.GetPosition
Dim t As Double
Dim x As Double
Dim y As Double
x = loc(0)
y = loc(1)
t = ArcTan2(cpX - loc(0), cpY - loc(1))
vloc(i) = x
i = i + 1
arrlen = arrlen + 1
End If
Set swNote = swNote.GetNext
Set swFirstNote = swView.GetFirstNote
Set swNote = swView.GetFirstNote
ReDim Preserve vloc(notesTotalCounter)
i = arrlen
arrlen1 = arrlen
While Not swNote Is Nothing
If swNote.GetText Like "`*" Then
Set swAnno = swNote.GetAnnotation
ReDim Preserve vloc(i)
loc = swAnno.GetPosition
x = loc(0)
y = loc(1)
t = ArcTan2(cpX - loc(0), cpY - loc(1))
vloc(i) = y
i = i + 1
arrlen1 = arrlen1 + 1
End If
Set swNote = swNote.GetNext
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这是我最近写的一些内容,用于按字母顺序对一系列培训科目进行排序。从该子例程返回后,我将数组加载到组合框中。培训科目按优先级顺序列在工作表的一行中,从单元格 C2 到左侧。培训科目的数量因可以在不同时间添加和删除而有所不同。这是被调用以创建全局数组 strSubject() 以传递给 Userform Activate 事件以填充组合框的子例程。
您应该能够了解排序例程背后的基本思想,并将其调整为您的代码。因为我的所有记录都是文本,所以我使用波浪号 (~) 来确保第二个数组按字母顺序填充下一个可用记录。当您使用数字时,您可能希望将代码中的波浪号替换为小于数据中任何可能值的数字,因此如果最低值为 1,则将比较器设为 -1。如果您的最低可能值是 -i,ooo,ooo,ooo,请使您的比较器低于该值。如果您不确定,请运行第三个例程以找到数据数组中的最小值,减去 1 并将该值设为比较器值。
Sub Create_Alphabetical_Subject_List()
Dim f As Integer
Dim x As Integer: x = 1
Dim y As Integer: y = 1
Dim strTempSubject() As String
Set wss = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Internal Training Matrix")
varSubjectCount = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Internal Training Matrix").Range("C2", Worksheets("Internal Training Matrix").Range("C2").End(xlEnd)))
ReDim varSortedFlag(varSubjectCount)
ReDim varSorted(varSubjectCount)
ReDim strTempSubject(varSubjectCount)
ReDim strSubject(varSubjectCount)
For x = 1 To varSubjectCount
If wss.Cells.Item(2, x + 2) <> "" And wss.Cells.Item(2, x + 2) <> "Spare" Then
strTempSubject(x) = wss.Cells.Item(2, x + 2) ' From row 2 col 3 initially
varSorted(x) = "~"
varSortedFlag(x) = ""
End If
Next x
For y = 1 To varSubjectCount
For x = 1 To varSubjectCount
If varSortedFlag(x) = "" And strTempSubject(x) < varSorted(y) Then
varSorted(y) = strTempSubject(x) ' Swap out a lower value
f = x ' Track which record was last copied to new array
End If
Next x
strSubject(y) = varSorted(y)
varSortedFlag(f) = "Done" ' Remove the record from future comparrisons
Next y