我面对这个奇怪的问题。我必须解析这个json并提取"符号"," High"," low"和"方向"。这是原来的json
当我在json中解析它时,除了" Direction"的值之外,它正确地获取所有值,如下所示:
Ask = 106;
Bid = "105.7";
Change = 0;
CreateDate = "04:38:26";
Direction = 0;
EntityKey = {
EntityContainerName = tradebizEntities;
EntityKeyValues = (
Key = ID;
Value = 101;
EntitySetName = "v_openmarketrates";
IsTemporary = 0;
EntityState = 2;
High = "105.7";
ID = 101;
Low = 106;
Symbol = PKR;
Ask = "127.265";
Bid = "126.623";
Change = "0.3463";
CreateDate = "06:30:46";
Direction = 0;
EntityKey = {
EntityContainerName = tradebizEntities;
EntityKeyValues = (
Key = ID;
Value = 1;
EntitySetName = "v_openmarketrates";
IsTemporary = 0;
EntityState = 2;
High = "126.7306";
ID = 1;
Low = "126.9752";
Symbol = EUR;
if let jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: []) as? [NSDictionary] {
print("kerb rates full json = ",jsonResult )
for field in jsonResult as? [AnyObject] ?? [] {
print("fields of kerb rates = \(field)")
print("kerb directions \((field["Direction"] as? String)!)")
let subfield : AnyObject = (field["EntityKey"] as? AnyObject)!
let sub_subfield : AnyObject = (subfield["EntityKeyValues"] as? AnyObject)!
print("sub_subfield = \(sub_subfield)")
print("subfields = \(subfield)")
// for key_Subfield in sub_subfield as? [AnyObject] ?? [] {
print("inside loop!")
// converting int and bool values
let ask = (field["Ask"] as? Int)!
let bid = (field["Bid"] as? Int)!
let change = (field["Change"] as? Int)!
let EntityState = (field["EntityState"] as? Int)!
let High = (field["High"] as? Double)!
let ID = (field["ID"] as? Int)!
let IsTemporary = ""//(subfield["IsTemporary"] as? Bool)!
let Low = (field["Low"] as? Double)!
let Value = ""//(key_Subfield["Value"] as? Int)!
// it is crashing here due to multple dictionaries
self.Save_KerbRates(ask: (String(ask)),
bid: (String(bid)),
change: (String(change)),
createDate: (field["CreateDate"] as? String)!,
direction: (field["Direction"] as? String)!,
entityContainerName: "",//(subfield["EntityContainerName"] as? String)!,
entitiySetName:"",// (subfield["EntitySetName"] as? String)!,
entitiyState: (String(EntityState)),
high: (String(High)),
id: (String(ID)),
isTemporary: (String(IsTemporary)),
key:"",// (key_Subfield["Key"] as? String)!,
low: (String(Low)),
symbol: (field["Symbol"] as? String)!,
value: (String(Value)))
// }
kerb rates full json = [["Low": 106, "Direction": 0, "EntityState": 2, "EntityKey": {
EntityContainerName = tradebizEntities;
EntityKeyValues = (
Key = ID;
Value = 101;
EntitySetName = "v_openmarketrates";
IsTemporary = 0;
}, "ID": 101, "CreateDate": 04:38:26, "Symbol": PKR, "Change": 0, "Ask": 106, "High": 105.7, "Bid": 105.7], ["Low": 126.9752, "Direction": -1, "EntityState": 2, "EntityKey": {
EntityContainerName = tradebizEntities;
EntityKeyValues = (
Key = ID;
Value = 1;
EntitySetName = "v_openmarketrates";
IsTemporary = 0;
}, "ID": 1, "CreateDate": 07:03:46, "Symbol": EUR, "Change": 0.4403, "Ask": 127.349, "High": 126.7654, "Bid": 126.717],
答案 0 :(得分:0)
typealias JSONDictionary = [String:Any]
do {
if let jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:data!) as? [JSONDictionary] {
for field in jsonResult {
let ask = field["Ask"] as! Double
let bid = field["Bid"] as! Double
let change = field["Change"] as! Double
let createDate = field["CreateDate"] as! String
let direction = field["Direction"] as! String
let entityState = field["EntityState"] as! Int
let high = field["High"] as! Double
let id = field["ID"] as! Int
let low = field["Low"] as! Double
let symbol = field["Symbol"] as! String
let entityKey = field["EntityKey"] as! JSONDictionary
let isTemporary = entityKey["IsTemporary"] as! Bool
let entityKeyValues = entityKey["EntityKeyValues"] as! [JSONDictionary]
let value = entityKeyValues[0]["Value"] as! Int
print(ask, bid, change, createDate, direction, entityState, high, id, low, symbol, isTemporary, value)
} catch {