import sys
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerLine2D
import numpy as np
# Reads Arguements
ReadFile1 = sys.argv[1]
ReadFile2 = sys.argv[2]
WriteFile = sys.argv[3]
# opens file
RedFile1 = open(ReadFile1)
RedFile2 = open(ReadFile2)
### Start collecting data ###
# Removes header from file 1 and stores it
header1 = RedFile1.readline().rstrip()
# Creates a list from values in file 1 , reads argument specified file,
# puts data into the list, and converts into an array.
Data1 = []
for line in RedFile1:
Reference1 = np.array(Data1).astype(np.float)
# Seperates array into x and y values in the first document
# based on the columb it is in
xvalues1 = Reference1[:, 0]
yvalues1 = Reference1[:, 1]
###### moving on to the second part ######
# Removes header from file 2, stores it, and puts it in an array.
header2 = RedFile2.readline().rstrip()
# Creates a list from values in file 2 , reads argument specified file,
# puts data into the list, and converts into an array.
Data2 = []
for line in RedFile2:
Reference2 = np.array(Data2).astype(np.float)
# Seperates array into x and y values in the second document
# based on the columb it is in
xvalues2 = Reference2[:,0]
yvalues2 = Reference2[:,1]
###### Graphing ######
# Spits out a graph of file 1 and 2 together
line1 = plt.plot(xvalues1, yvalues1, 'o-', label = header1)
line2 = plt.plot(xvalues2, yvalues2, 'o-', label = header2)
plt.ylabel('Cell Count')
plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc=0)
# Saves the graph into the argument specified name
import sys
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Takes arguments, places them in list rawr, then the for loop opens each file, strips
# the header, and places the headers into allheaders
rawr = sys.argv[1:-1]
#Write file name
WriteFile = sys.argv[-1]
#Opens a file, removes header and stores it, stores data in an array
#The array is accessed to create a list of x adn y values
#plot is constructed for one file
#loop continues until no more files
for n in rawr:
header = n.readline().rstrip()
Data = []
for line in n:
Reference1 = np.array(Data1).astype(np.float)
xvalues = Reference[:, 0]
yvalues = Reference[:, 1]
plt.plot(xvalues, yvalues, label=header)
# Spits out a graph of file(s) together
plt.ylabel('Cell count')
plt.xlabel('Time min')
plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc=0)
# Saves the graph into the argument specified name
plt.savefig(WriteFile + '.png')
EDIT !!!!编辑!!!!!编辑!!!!编辑!!!!!编辑!!!!编辑!!!!!编辑!!!!编辑!!!!!编辑!!!!编辑!!!!!编辑!!!!编辑!!!!!编辑!!!!编辑!!!!!编辑!!!!编辑!!!!!我想通了,这是答案,for循环应该是这样的:
for n in rawr:
eachfile = open(n)
header = eachfile.readline().rstrip()
Data = []
for line in eachfile:
Reference = np.array(Data).astype(np.float)
xvalues = Reference[:, 0]
yvalues = Reference[:, 1]
line = plt.plot(xvalues, yvalues, 'o-', label=header)