我的Quick ADC-Interrupt填充阵列 - 可以更快吗? (部件)

时间:2017-09-16 15:48:24

标签: assembly avr atmega




  • 我的主持人:65个时钟
  • Atmel Studio:108个时钟
  • 答案中的代码:48个时钟


push r18
in r18, SREG-0x20

push r24
push r25

push YL
push YH
push ZL
push ZH

ldi YL, lo8(srcPos)
ldi YH, hi8(srcPos)         ; get address of index

ld r24, Y+
ld r25, Y                   ; read value of index into registers

add r24, r24
adc r25, r25                ; value descripes index of an int (1 int = 2 bytes) array, so we double it

ldi r30, ((SRC_ARR_SIZE*2) & 0x00ff)
ldi r31, ( (SRC_ARR_SIZE*2) >> 8 )  ; load max arraySize in bytes

cp r24, r30
cpc r25, r31                ; compare if actual index is lower than array size

BRLO noZeroing
ldi r24, 0x0
ldi r25, 0x0                ; if not lower, then we start again at 0


ldi ZL, lo8(srcArray)
ldi ZH, hi8(srcArray)       ; get address of array

add ZL, r24
adc ZH, r25                 ; add address of array with offsetvalue in Z-registers

clc                         ; clear any c-flag that might be set for ROR
ROR r25
ROR r24                     ; divide by two because it was int and we store index and ...

adiw r24, 0x01              ; ... increment index and then ...

st Y, r25                   ; ... store back the index. (r24/25 is free to use from here on)
st -Y, r24

lds r24, ADCL
lds r25, ADCH               ; read adc value

st Z+, r24
st Z+, r25                  ; store value to array address pointed by Z

pop ZH
pop ZL
pop YH
pop YL

pop r25
pop r24
out SREG-0x20, r18
pop r18


    srcArray[srcPos] = ADCL | (ADCH << 8);
    if(srcPos >= SRC_ARR_SIZE)
        srcPos = 0;


.org 0x00

srcArray:   .space (SRC_ARR_SIZE*2)
srcArrPtr:  .space 2

push r18
in r18, SREG-0x20
push YL
push YH
push ZL
push ZH

ldi YL, lo8(srcArrPtr)      ; get address of ptr (+2 for predecrement)
ldi YH, hi8(srcArrPtr)      ; YH is constant

ld ZL, Y+                   ; read the pointer to Z
ld ZH, Y                    ; Y now is on the highbyte of ptr

lds YL, ADCL                ; reuse YH to load adc value
st Z+, YL                   ; to *ptr++
lds YL, ADCH
st Z+, YL

ldi YL, lo8(srcArrPtr)      ; this saved 1 push and 1 pop with the use of YL above

cp ZL, YL

BRLO noReset
ldi ZL, lo8(srcArray)       ; reset next address to write

st Y, ZL                    ; write back the ptr low btye ( the highbyte stays constant)

pop ZH
pop ZL
pop YH
pop YL
out SREG-0x20, r18
pop r18

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  *ptr++=lo + hi*256;
  if (ptr==end) ptr=begin;

这应该转换为当前程序集的一半。 通过仔细放置变量可以进行额外的优化 - 例如将ptr放在end会减少常量/地址的数量。

push r18
push r19
in r18, SREG-0x20

push YL
push YH
push ZL
push ZH

ldi YL, lo8(ptr + 2)
ldi YH, hi8(ptr + 2)       ; get address of ptr (+2 for predecrement)

ld ZH, -Y                  ; read the pointer to Z
ld ZL, -Y                  ; leaving Y==end

lds r19, ADCL              ; reuse r19 to load adc value
st Z+, r19                 ; to *ptr++
lds r19, ADCH
st Z+, r19

cp ZL, YL
cpc ZH, YH                 ; compare if actual index is lower than array size

BRLO noReset
ldi ZL, lo8(srcArray)      ; reset next address to write
ldi ZH, hi8(srcArray)      ; to the beginning of srcArray

st Y+, ZL                  ; write back the ptr
st Y+, ZH

pop ZH
pop ZL
pop YH
pop YL

out SREG-0x20, r18
pop r19
pop r18

答案 1 :(得分:0)


if(srcPos >= SRC_ARR_SIZE)
    srcPos = 0;


if(srcPos == SRC_ARR_SIZE)
    srcPos = 0;


srcPos &= ~SRC_ARR_SIZE;

基本上只是清理一下!由于你使用int,我期望SRC_ARR_SIZE > 255,所以这个位必须在高位被清除。所以做

andi r25, ~((SRC_ARR_SIZE*2) >> 8)