我正在学习C数据结构。我有以下代码,导致分段错误。 我已经使用了K& R C(第二版)中的哈希函数。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define HASHSIZE 101
typedef struct Details
char *name;
float checkTotal;
float tipTotal;
int numReciepts;
struct Details *next;
struct Details *prev;
} det;
static det *hashtab[HASHSIZE];
char *str_dup(char *);
det *lookup(char *);
det *insert(char *, float, float);
unsigned hash(char *);
void printData(char *);
int main()
printf("1. Enter details.\n");
printf("2. Print List of employees.\n");
char *s;
float cT; //checkTotal
float tT; //tipTotal
while (1)
int command = 0;
printf("Enter option: ");
scanf("%d", &command);
if (command == 1)
printf("Enter name: ");
scanf("%s", s);
printf("Enter check total: ");
scanf("%f", &cT);
printf("Enter tip total: ");
scanf("%f", &tT);
insert(s, cT, tT);
else if (command == 2)
char *p;
printf("Enter name of employee: ");
scanf("%s", p); //including this line causes seg fault.
return 0;
unsigned hash(char *s)
unsigned hashval;
for (hashval = 0; *s != '\0'; *s++)
hashval = *s + 31 * hashval;
return hashval % HASHSIZE;
det *lookup(char *name)
det *ptr;
for (ptr = hashtab[hash(name)]; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
if (strcmp(name, ptr->name) == 0)
return ptr;
return NULL;
det *insert(char *name, float cT, float tT)
det *new;
unsigned hashval;
if ((new = lookup(name)) == NULL)
new = (det *)malloc(sizeof(new));
if (new == NULL || (new->name = str_dup(name)) == NULL)
return NULL;
hashval = hash(name);
new->next = hashtab[hashval];
hashtab[hashval] = new;
new->checkTotal += cT;
new->tipTotal += tT;
printf("Details of '%s' inserted.\n", name);
new->checkTotal += cT;
new->tipTotal += tT;
printf("Details of '%s' updated.\n", name);
char *str_dup(char *s)
char *p;
p = (char *)malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
if (p != NULL)
strcpy(p, s);
return p;
void printData(char *p)
det *ptr;
if ((ptr = lookup(p)) != NULL)
printf("Emplyee Name : %s\n", ptr->name);
printf("Total amount : %6.2f\n", ptr->checkTotal);
printf("Total tip : %6.2f\n", ptr->tipTotal);
printf("Total reciepts: %6.2d\n", ptr->numReciepts);
printf("Employee '%s' does not exist.\n", p);
如果 else if:main 中没有 scanf(),那么每件事情都可以。使用硬编码字符串调用 printData()也可以。
在其他如果:主中包含 scanf()会在提示输入名称后导致分段错误。
中的代码if:main 未访问中的任何内容if:else 。
if 不会因为其他错误而导致错误,如果,即使错误也是如此。 (至少在这种情况下,或据我的理解而言)
P.S: scanf():如果工作正常。