
时间:2017-09-15 09:23:55

标签: javascript colors

Stack Overflow的向导,


图表的左下角应该是纯绿色,右上角的对角线应该是纯红色,中间是朦胧的黄橙色。例如。点(0,0)应为(红色:0绿色:255蓝色:0),点(100,100)应为(红色:255绿色:0蓝色:0)和点(50,50)应为(红色) :132绿色:132蓝色:20)。


|         red
|       /
|     /
| green


此致 JP

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  • 绿色= 255 - ((255/100)*((x + y)/ 2))
  • 红=((255/100)*((x + y)/ 2))


  • 绿色= 255 - ((255/100)*((0 + 0)/ 2))= 255
  • 红色=((255/100)*((0 + 0)/ 2))= 0


  • 绿色= 255 - ((255/100)*((13 + 13)/ 2))= 222
  • 红=((255/100)*((13 + 13)/ 2))= 33


答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果左下角是完全绿色(在rgb (0, 255, 0)中)并且右上角是红色((255, 0, 0)),则表示红色等式为255 / 100 * y且绿色等式为255 - 255 / 100 * x。这样,左上角将为(255, 255, 0),右下角将为(0, 0, 0)

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我认为我无法想象你想要绘制的内容,但我认为当你将r,g和b值分成不同的函数时,你可以解决很多问题。 因此,您应该制作三个不同的函数 - 每个颜色通道一个 - 而不是func_rgb(x,y){...},您可以单独操作并随后添加结果。

func_r(x,y) {
    return x/100 * 256;

func_g(x,y) {
    return (1 - x/100) * 256;

func_b(x,y) {
    return (1 - (0.5 - x/100)^2) * 20;


答案 3 :(得分:0)

		<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
		<script type="application/javascript">
			// Colours that you want each corner to have
			var topLeft 	= {r: 0,g: 0,b: 0};
			var topRight 	= {r: 255,g: 0,b: 0};
			var bottomLeft 	= {r: 0,g: 255,b: 0};
			var bottomRight = {r: 0,g: 0,b: 0};
			var output	= {r: 0,g: 0,b: 0};

			// Perform bilinear interpolation on both axis
			// This just means to do linear interpolation for y & x, then combine the results

			// Provide the XY you need the colour for and the size of your graph
			function getSpectrumColour(x,y,width,height) {
				var div = 1.0 / (width*height);
				output.r = div * (bottomLeft.r * (width - x) * (height - y) + bottomRight.r * x * y 
								+ topLeft.r * (width - x) * (height - y) + topRight.r * x * y);
				output.g = div * (bottomLeft.g * (width - x) * (height - y) + bottomRight.g * x * y 
								+ topLeft.g * (width - x) * (height - y) + topRight.g * x * y);
				output.b = div * (bottomLeft.b * (width - x) * (height - y) + bottomRight.b * x * y 
								+ topLeft.b * (width - x) * (height - y) + topRight.b * x * y);
				return output;
			var canvas = null;
			var ctx = null;
			var graphWidth = 100;
			var graphHeight = 100;
			window.onload = function() {
				canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
				canvas.width = graphWidth;
				canvas.height = graphHeight;
				ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
				var colour = null;
				for (var x = 0; x < graphWidth; ++x) {
					for (var y = 0; y < graphHeight; ++y) {
						colour = getSpectrumColour(x,y,graphWidth,graphHeight);
						ctx.fillStyle = "rgba("+colour.r+","+colour.g+","+colour.b+",1.0)";
						ctx.fillRect(x,graphHeight - y,1,1);