__author__ = "Armin"
import csv
import svm
from svmutil import *
import pickle
import re
learningSet = csv.reader(open("train.csv"))
# we have 5 class so, 5 classifier (opn, agr, ext, neu, con)
Features_con = []
Features_opn = []
Features_agr = []
Features_ext = []
Features_neu = []
users = []
allFeatures = []
pattern = re.compile(r"(.)\1{1,}", re.DOTALL)
def preProcess(status):
re.sub('((www\.[^\s]+)|(https?://[^\s]+))', '__LINK__', status)
re.sub(r'\d+', '', status)
return status
def FeaturesVector(status):
words = set(status)
features = {}
for word in allFeatures:
features[word] = (word in status)
return features
def getFeatures(status):
fv = []
bagsOfWord = status.split()
for word in bagsOfWord:
word = word.strip('...?!')
word = pattern.sub(r"\1\1\1", word)
return fv
def save_classifier(classifier, name):
f = open(name+'.pickle', 'wb')
pickle.dump(classifier, f)
def load_classifier(name):
f = open(name + '.pickle', 'rb')
classifier = pickle.load(f)
return classifier
def makeDict(features, featureList):
sortedFeatures = sorted(featureList)
feature_vector = []
labels = []
for t in features:
label = 0
Map = {}
for w in sortedFeatures:
Map[w] = 0
words = t[0]
c = t[1]
for word in words:
if word in Map:
Map[word] = 1
values = Map.values()
if(c == 'y'):
label = 1
elif(c == 'n'):
label = 0
return {'feature_vector' : feature_vector, 'labels': labels}
def makeDictTest(features, featuresList):
sortedFeatures = sorted(featuresList)
feature_vector = []
for t in features:
Map = {}
for w in sortedFeatures:
Map[w] = 0
words = t
for word in words:
if word in Map:
Map[word] = 1
values = Map.values()
return feature_vector
def svm(features, allFeatures):
res = makeDict(features, allFeatures)
problem = svm_problem(res['labels'], res['feature_vector'])
param = svm_parameter('-q')
param.kernel_type = LINEAR
classifier = svm_train(problem, param)
return classifier
def yesOrNo(resList):
counter = 0;
for i in resList:
if i == 0.0:
counter += 1
if(counter > len(resList)/2):
return 'n'
return 'y'
again = True
#mess = input("Do you want to load classifier? (y/n) ")
#if(mess == 'n'):
#again = True
# extracting ans saving features
for line in learningSet:
userId = line[0]
status = line[1]
ext = line[7]
neu = line[8]
agr = line[9]
con = line[10]
opn = line[11]
# date
date = line[12]
# network features
networkSize = line[13]
nBetweenness = line[15]
density = line[16]
nBrokerage = line[18]
transitivity = line[19]
if userId not in users:
# network size
Features_con.append((networkSize, con))
Features_ext.append((networkSize, ext))
Features_agr.append((networkSize, agr))
Features_neu.append((networkSize, neu))
Features_opn.append((networkSize, opn))
# normal betweenness
Features_con.append((nBetweenness, con))
Features_ext.append((nBetweenness, ext))
Features_agr.append((nBetweenness, agr))
Features_neu.append((nBetweenness, neu))
Features_opn.append((nBetweenness, opn))
# density
Features_con.append((density, con))
Features_ext.append((density, ext))
Features_agr.append((density, agr))
Features_neu.append((density, neu))
Features_opn.append((density, opn))
# normal brokerage
Features_con.append((nBrokerage, con))
Features_ext.append((nBrokerage, ext))
Features_agr.append((nBrokerage, agr))
Features_neu.append((nBrokerage, neu))
Features_opn.append((nBrokerage, opn))
# transitivity
Features_con.append((transitivity, con))
Features_ext.append((transitivity, ext))
Features_agr.append((transitivity, agr))
Features_neu.append((transitivity, neu))
Features_opn.append((transitivity, opn))
# add to all
# date feature
Features_con.append((date, con))
Features_neu.append((date, neu))
Features_agr.append((date, agr))
Features_opn.append((date, opn))
Features_ext.append((date, ext))
# linguestic features
status = preProcess(status)
statusFeatures = getFeatures(status)
Features_con.append((statusFeatures, con))
Features_neu.append((statusFeatures, neu))
Features_agr.append((statusFeatures, agr))
Features_opn.append((statusFeatures, opn))
Features_ext.append((statusFeatures, ext))
allFeatures = list(set(allFeatures))
print("Training classifiers...")
# training classifiers
SVM_CON = svm(Features_con, allFeatures)
print("Done 1 from 5.")
SVM_AGR = svm(Features_agr, allFeatures)
print("Done 2 from 5.")
SVM_NEU = svm(Features_neu, allFeatures)
print("Done 3 from 5.")
SVM_EXT = svm(Features_ext, allFeatures)
print("Done 4 from 5.")
SVM_OPN = svm(Features_opn, allFeatures)
print("Done 5 from 5.")
print("Training classifiers done.")
print("loading classifiers ...")
Done = False
while(not Done):
testIn = input("Status: ")
nB = input("Normal Betweenness: ")
nBr = input("Normal Brokerage: ")
size = input("Normal Network Size: ")
tr = input("Normal Transitivity: ")
den = input("Normal Density: ")
dt = input("Date :")
FV = getFeatures(testIn);
fv = makeDictTest(FV, allFeatures)
con_label, con_acc, con_val = svm_predict([0] * len(fv),fv, SVM_CON)
ext_label, ext_acc, ext_val = svm_predict([0] * len(fv),fv, SVM_EXT)
agr_label, agr_acc, agr_val = svm_predict([0] * len(fv),fv, SVM_AGR)
neu_label, neu_acc, neu_val = svm_predict([0] * len(fv),fv, SVM_NEU)
opn_label, opn_acc, opn_val = svm_predict([0] * len(fv),fv, SVM_OPN)
print("Extraversion : " + str(yesOrNo(ext_label)))
print("Neuroticism : " + str(yesOrNo(neu_label)))
print("Agreeableness : " + str(yesOrNo(agr_label)))
print("Conscientiousness : " + str(yesOrNo(con_label)))
print("Openness : " + str(yesOrNo(opn_label)))
mess = input("Do you want to countinue? (y/n) ")
if mess == "n":
Done = True
testingSet = csv.reader(open("test.csv"))
print("Evaluating ...")
tp_con = 0
tn_con = 0
fn_con = 0
fp_con = 0
tp_ext = 0
tn_ext = 0
fn_ext = 0
fp_ext = 0
tp_agr = 0
tn_agr = 0
fn_agr = 0
fp_agr = 0
tp_opn = 0
tn_opn = 0
fn_opn = 0
fp_opn = 0
tp_neu = 0
tn_neu = 0
fn_neu = 0
fp_neu = 0
for line in testingSet:
testStatus = line[1]
testExt = line[7]
testNeu = line[8]
testAgr = line[9]
testCon = line[10]
testOpn = line[11]
testDate = line[12]
testNetworkSize = line[13]
testNBetweenness = line[15]
testDensity = line[16]
testNBrokerage = line[18]
testTransitivity = line[19]
FV = getFeatures(testStatus)
classCon = NBC_con.classify(FeaturesVector(FV))
classExt = NBC_ext.classify(FeaturesVector(FV))
classAgr = NBC_agr.classify(FeaturesVector(FV))
classNeu = NBC_neu.classify(FeaturesVector(FV))
classOpn = NBC_opn.classify(FeaturesVector(FV))
if classCon == testCon and testCon == 'y':
tp_con += 1
if classCon == testCon and testCon == 'n':
tn_con += 1
if classCon != testCon and testCon == 'y':
fp_con += 1
if classCon != testCon and testCon == 'n':
fn_con += 1
if classExt == testExt and testExt == 'y':
tp_ext += 1
if classExt == testExt and testExt == 'n':
tn_ext += 1
if classExt == testExt and testExt == 'y':
fp_ext += 1
if classExt == testExt and testExt == 'n':
fn_ext += 1
if classOpn == testOpn and testOpn == 'y':
tp_opn += 1
if classOpn == testOpn and testOpn == 'n':
tn_opn += 1
if classOpn == testOpn and testOpn == 'y':
fp_opn += 1
if classOpn == testOpn and testOpn == 'n':
fn_opn += 1
if classAgr == testAgr and testAgr == 'y':
tp_agr += 1
if classAgr == testAgr and testAgr == 'n':
tn_agr += 1
if classAgr == testAgr and testAgr == 'y':
fp_agr += 1
if classAgr == testAgr and testAgr == 'n':
fn_agr += 1
if classNeu == testNeu and testNeu == 'y':
tp_neu += 1
if classNeu == testNeu and testNeu == 'n':
tn_neu += 1
if classNeu == testNeu and testNeu == 'y':
fp_neu += 1
if classNeu == testNeu and testNeu == 'n':
fn_neu += 1
def precision(tp, tn, fp, fn):
return 0.5 * (tp/(tp+fp) + tn/(tn+fn))
def recall(tp, tn, fp, fn):
return 0.5 * (tp/(tp+fn) + tn/(tn+fp))
def F1(tp, tn, fp, fn):
pre = precision(tp, tn, fp, fn)
re = recall(tp, tn, fp, fn)
return 2 * (pre * re / (pre + re))
print ("Con Pre(avg) = " + str(precision(tp_con, tn_con, fp_con, fn_con)))
print ("Con Re(avg) = " + str(recall(tp_con, tn_con, fp_con, fn_con)) )
print ("Con F1(avg) = " + str(F1(tp_con, tn_con, fp_con, fn_con)) )
print ("Agr Pre(avg) = " + str(precision(tp_agr, tn_agr, fp_agr, fn_agr)))
print ("Agr Re(avg) = " + str(recall(tp_agr, tn_agr, fp_agr, fn_agr)) )
print ("Agr F1(avg) = " + str(F1(tp_agr, tn_agr, fp_agr, fn_agr)) )
print ("Ext Pre(avg) = " + str(precision(tp_ext, tn_ext, fp_ext, fn_ext)))
print ("Ext Re(avg) = " + str(recall(tp_ext, tn_ext, fp_ext, fn_ext)) )
print ("Ext F1(avg) = " + str(F1(tp_ext, tn_ext, fp_ext, fn_ext)) )
print ("Neu Pre(avg) = " + str(precision(tp_neu, tn_neu, fp_neu, fn_neu)))
print ("Neu Re(avg) = " + str(recall(tp_neu, tn_neu, fp_neu, fn_neu)) )
print ("Neu F1(avg) = " + str(F1(tp_neu, tn_neu, fp_neu, fn_neu)) )
print ("Opn Pre(avg) = " + str(precision(tp_opn, tn_opn, fp_opn, fn_opn)))
print ("Opn Re(avg) = " + str(recall(tp_opn, tn_opn, fp_opn, fn_opn)) )
print ("Opn F1(avg) = " + str(F1(tp_opn, tn_opn, fp_opn, fn_opn)) )
python SherLockWithSVM.py
File "SherLockWithSVM.py", line 201, in <module> SVM_CON = svm(Features_con, allFeatures) File "SherLockWithSVM.py", line 101, in svm problem = svm_problem(res['labels'], res['feature_vector']) File "C:\Python35\lib\site-packages\svm.py", line 103, in __init__ tmp_xi, tmp_idx = gen_svm_nodearray(xi,isKernel=isKernel) File "C:\Python35\lib\site-packages\svm.py", line 71, in gen_svm_nodearray raise TypeError('xi should be a dictionary, list or tuple') TypeError: xi should be a dictionary, list or tuple
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