
时间:2017-08-31 13:07:06

标签: java android augmented-reality arcore



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:24)

在Java ARCore中,世界单位是米(我刚刚意识到我们可能没有记录这个... aaaand看起来像nope。糟糕,提交了错误)。通过减去两个Pose的平移分量,您可以得到它们之间的距离。您的代码看起来像这样:


startAnchor = session.addAnchor(hitResult.getHitPose());


Pose startPose = startAnchor.getPose();
Pose endPose = hitResult.getHitPose();

// Clean up the anchor
startAnchor = null;

// Compute the difference vector between the two hit locations.
float dx = startPose.tx() - endPose.tx();
float dy = startPose.ty() - endPose.ty();
float dz = startPose.tz() - endPose.tz();

// Compute the straight-line distance.
float distanceMeters = (float) Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);


答案 1 :(得分:3)

您可以使用getHitPose()提取两个HitResult姿势,然后比较它们的翻译组件(getTranslation())。 翻译定义为


...来自目的地的位置矢量(通常是   世界)坐标框到本地坐标系,表示为   目的地(世界)坐标。


答案 2 :(得分:2)

答案是:是的,您当然可以计算两个HitResult之间的距离。 ARCoreARKit框架的网格大小为meters。有时,使用centimetres更有用。这是使用Java和古老的Pythagorean theorem的几种方法:

enter image description here

import com.google.ar.core.HitResult

MotionEvent tap = queuedSingleTaps.poll();
if (tap != null && camera.getTrackingState() == TrackingState.TRACKING) {
    for (HitResult hit : frame.hitTest(tap)) {
        // Blah-blah-blah...

// Here's the principle how you can calculate the distance  
// between two anchors in 3D space using Java:

private double getDistanceMeters(Pose pose0, Pose pose1) {

    float distanceX = pose0.tx() - pose1.tx();
    float distanceY = pose0.ty() - pose1.ty();
    float distanceZ = pose0.tz() - pose1.tz();

    return Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + 
                     distanceY * distanceY + 
                     distanceZ * distanceZ);

// Convert Meters into Centimetres

double distanceCm = ((int)(getDistanceMeters(pose0, pose1) * 1000))/10.0f;

// pose0 is the location of first Anchor
// pose1 is the location of second Anchor


Pose pose0 = // first HitResult's Anchor
Pose pose1 = // second HitResult's Anchor

double distanceM = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((pose0.tx() - pose1.tx()), 2) + 
                             Math.pow((pose0.ty() - pose1.ty()), 2) +
                             Math.pow((pose0.tz() - pose1.tz()), 2));

double distanceCm = ((int)(distanceM * 1000))/10.0f;