我在AWS Lambda上托管了我的Slim应用程序。为了使我的PHP应用程序正常工作,我遵循了this tutorial
我的应用运行正常,直到我尝试使用POST方法提交表单。我的PHP无法从表单中获取值。当我转储 $ _ POST 和 file_get_contents(' php://输入')时,两者都返回了 null 。
在本教程中,Chris(作者)声明此代码生成子进程并设置一组环境变量,PHP CGI将这些变量填充到$ _SERVER超级全局中。
var php = spawn('./php-cgi', ['function.php'], {
env: Object.assign({
REQUEST_METHOD: requestMethod,
SCRIPT_FILENAME: 'function.php',
SCRIPT_NAME: '/function.php',
SERVER_NAME: serverName,
REQUEST_URI: requestUri
}, headers)
我不熟悉子进程,所以我想问一下我是否还可以填充 $ _ POST 超全局?因为我认为POST数据存在于我的处理函数中的事件对象/变量中,这意味着(我认为)我的NodeJS包装器可以访问POST数据,但是它没有将它传递给PHP CGI?
exports.handler = function(event, context)
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var parseHeaders, parseResponse, parseStatusLine;
parseResponse = function(responseString) {
var headerLines, line, lines, parsedStatusLine, response;
response = {};
lines = responseString.split('\r\n');
parsedStatusLine = parseStatusLine(lines.shift());
response['protocolVersion'] = parsedStatusLine['protocol'];
response['statusCode'] = parsedStatusLine['statusCode'];
response['statusMessage'] = parsedStatusLine['statusMessage'];
headerLines = [];
while (lines.length > 0) {
line = lines.shift();
if (line === "") {
response['headers'] = parseHeaders(headerLines);
response['body'] = lines.join('\r\n');
return response;
parseHeaders = function(headerLines) {
var headers, key, line, parts, _i, _len;
headers = {};
for (_i = 0, _len = headerLines.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
line = headerLines[_i];
parts = line.split(":");
key = parts.shift();
headers[key] = parts.join(":").trim();
return headers;
parseStatusLine = function(statusLine) {
var parsed, parts;
parts = statusLine.match(/^(.+) ([0-9]{3}) (.*)$/);
parsed = {};
if (parts !== null) {
parsed['protocol'] = parts[1];
parsed['statusCode'] = parts[2];
parsed['statusMessage'] = parts[3];
return parsed;
exports.index = function(event, context) {
// Sets some sane defaults here so that this function doesn't fail when it's not handling a HTTP request from
// API Gateway.
var requestMethod = event.httpMethod || 'GET';
var serverName = event.headers ? event.headers.Host : '';
var requestUri = event.path || '';
var headers = {};
// Convert all headers passed by API Gateway into the correct format for PHP CGI. This means converting a header
// such as "X-Test" into "HTTP_X-TEST".
if (event.headers) {
Object.keys(event.headers).map(function (key) {
headers['HTTP_' + key.toUpperCase()] = event.headers[key];
// Spawn the PHP CGI process with a bunch of environment variables that describe the request.
var php = spawn('./php-cgi', ['slim/public/index.php'], {
env: Object.assign({
REQUEST_METHOD: requestMethod,
SCRIPT_FILENAME: 'slim/public/index.php',
SCRIPT_NAME: '/index.php',
SERVER_NAME: serverName,
REQUEST_URI: requestUri
}, headers)
// Listen for output on stdout, this is the HTTP response.
var response = '';
php.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
response += data.toString('utf-8');
// When the process exists, we should have a complete HTTP response to send back to API Gateway.
php.on('close', function(code) {
// Parses a raw HTTP response into an object that we can manipulate into the required format.
var parsedResponse = parseResponse(response);
// Signals the end of the Lambda function, and passes the provided object back to API Gateway.
statusCode: parsedResponse.statusCode || 200,
headers: parsedResponse.headers,
body: parsedResponse.body
答案 0 :(得分:1)
在某些情况下,有必要在环境中设置CONTENT_LENGTH和/或CONTENT_TYPE,以便php-cgi能够正确处理$ _POST。
例如(其中postBody是类似“ field1 = value1&field2 = value2”的字符串):
var env = {
'SCRIPT_FILENAME': script_path,
'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'CONTENT_LENGTH': postBody.length
//if the URL has anything after "?", it should appear in $_GET even when the method is "POST"
if(queryString) env['QUERY_STRING'] = queryString;
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var phpProcess = spawn (php_cgi_path, [script_path], {'env': env})
phpProcess.stdin.write( postBody );
var outputBuffer = [];
phpProcess.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
outputBuffer.push (data.toString());
phpProcess.stdout.on('end', function( ) {
var phpOutput = outputBuffer.join('') ;
// process php output
var spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync;
var phpProcessSync = spawnSync (php_cgi_path, [script_path], {'env': env, 'input': postBody})
var phpOutput = phpProcessSync.stdout.toString()
// process php output
同样,帖子数据与“ env”分开输入。
还可以修改脚本,使其也填充$ _FILES。
(然后我们会有"Content-Type:multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundarynGa8p8HMIQ8kWQLA"
然后使用phpProcess.stdin.write( Buffer.from(postBody) );
$ _FILES变量中将包含“ tmp_name”等。