AWS Cloudfront在发送到源之前删除特定cookie

时间:2017-08-29 16:11:05

标签: amazon-web-services cookies amazon-cloudfront

我想在发送到源服务器之前删除aws cloudfront中的特定cookie。 除了名为"_x_ad_zone"的cookie之外,我必须将所有cookie发送到原点。



[编辑] 根据答案,我写了下面的lambda @ edge来解决我的问题。

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
    const headers = request.headers;

    const cookieName = '__a_x_id';

     * Lambda at the Edge headers are array objects.
     * Client may send multiple Cookie headers, i.e.:
     * > GET /viewerRes/test HTTP/1.1
     * > User-Agent: curl/7.18.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.18.1 OpenSSL/1.0.1u zlib/1.2.3
     * > Cookie: First=1; Second=2
     * > Cookie: ClientCode=abc
     * > Host:
     * You can access the first Cookie header at headers["cookie"][0].value
     * and the second at headers["cookie"][1].value.
     * Header values are not parsed. In the example above,
     * headers["cookie"][0].value is equal to "First=1; Second=2"
    // Delete the cookie if found
    if (headers.cookie) {
        for (let i = 0; i < headers.cookie.length; i++) {
            if (headers.cookie[i].value.indexOf(cookieName) >= 0) {
                console.log('Adblocker cookie found and delete: '+headers.cookie[i].value);
                headers.cookie[i].value = "0";
        request.headers = headers;

    callback(null, request);

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

快速免责声明:当Cookie转发到原始服务器时,CloudFront不仅会针对URI和标头(以及查询字符串,如果配置这样做)缓存响应,还会针对唯一的组合浏览器提供的cookie值(或缺少的cookie) - 因此只有当缓存包含(或缺少)完全相同的cookie和值组合时,才能从缓存中提供响应。这对于您的缓存命中率并不好,但当然,它也是CloudFront的完全正确的设计 - 如果提供了不同的cookie,CloudFront没有选择,只能假设cookie可能会修改返回的响应从原点开始,所以cookie必须成为缓存密钥的组成部分。




* Header values are not parsed.

第一个问题是,浏览器可以在一个Cookie:标头中自由组合多个Cookie,而headers.cookie[i].value.indexOf(cookieName)的测试不仅会将标头与您想要的Cookie匹配,还会匹配标头使用该cookie 加上其他 ...并删除该特定标题条目中的所有cookie。

如果在查看者请求触发器中使用,则使用此解决方案删除过多cookie的风险很大。在原始请求触发器中,它甚至更高,因为cookie已经被匹配的缓存行为的cookie转发配置剥离并重新规范化,并且CloudFront 组合了多个cookie一个标题行,至少在某些条件下。

第二个问题与第一个问题有关:indexOf()的简单字符串匹配将匹配cookie值以及cookie名称,因此可能在cookie上获得错误匹配价值 - 您不想要检查。


我已经编写了一个Lambda @ Edge脚本,我认为它完全处理cookie语义,并且只会删除您要删除的cookie,并保持数据结构清晰。因为我发现这是一个有趣的用例,所以我写了它,它将匹配尽可能多的cookie - 不仅仅是一个cookie - 只有cookie名称上的精确字符串,区分大小写的匹配。



const discard = [ '__a_x_id' ]; 


这使用Node.js 6.10并使用Viewer Request触发器或Origin Request触发器。如果您正在进行任何缓存,那么您可能希望将其用作原始请求触发器,因为这意味着它的触发频率较低。


'use strict';

// source:

// iterate through all Cookie: headers in a request trigger,
// removing any cookies on the "discard" list, while preserving
// the integrity of any other cookies, including those appearing on the same
// header line, and confirm the resulting "cookie" array to CloudFront 
// requirements by removing any now-empty elements, or the entire array
// if no cookies remain

// configure with one or more cookies to be removed from all requests;
// cookie names are case-sensitive

const discard = [ 'grover', 'big_bird' ]; // friends of cookie monster

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
    const headers = request.headers;

    // does the request have any cookies? skip to the end, if not
        const cookies = headers.cookie;

        // iterate each Cookie: header, from last to first;
        // last-to-first makes it simple to splice-out an array element
        // because we then need not keep track of the reduced array length

        for (var n = cookies.length; n--;)
            // there may be multiple cookies per header line; examine them all

            const cval = cookies[n].value.split(/;\ /);
            const vlen = cval.length; // how many we started with

            // check individual cookies on this line, backwards
            for (var m = vlen; m--;)
                // cookie name is to the left of "="
                const cookie_kv = cval[m].split('=')[0];
                // run though each member of "discard" array,
                // removing the cookie if it's a match, 
                // again last to first but for no particular reason, here
                for(var di = discard.length; di--;)
                    if(cookie_kv == discard[di])
                        cval.splice(m,1); // cookie removed!
                        break; // no need to check any other matches, already gone
            } // for m

            // if our array of cookies for this header line has now changed in size,
            // we must have deleted some or all of it, so we need to reassemble
            // what remains, or eliminate the entire line

            if(cval.length != vlen)
                if(cval.length === 0) // did we remove everything?
                    // yes? we can eliminate this entire line
                    // no? reassemble the remaining cookies
                    headers.cookie[n].value = cval.join('; '); 
        } // for n

        // if the only cookies present in the request were cookies we removed,
        // we now have a completely empty array in headers.cookie, which
        // CloudFront should consider invalid; clean it up
        if(cookies.length === 0) 
            delete headers.cookie;

    // return control to CloudFront, possibly with our modified request
    return callback(null, request);


答案 1 :(得分:0)


查看this示例,了解所需操作。另请注意,您需要使用Lambda @ Edge更改原始请求事件中的请求标头。