我已将此远程存储库添加到Artifactory:https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian。测试按钮说一切正常,但是当我apt-get update
Err:3 https://onebip.jfrog.io/onebip/jenkins-remote binary/ Packages
404 Not Found
Ign:4 https://onebip.jfrog.io/onebip/jenkins-remote binary/ Translation-en_US
Ign:5 https://onebip.jfrog.io/onebip/jenkins-remote binary/ Translation-en
Reading package lists... Done
W: The repository 'https://onebip.jfrog.io/onebip/jenkins-remote binary/Release' does not have a Release file.
N: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use.
N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.
E: Failed to fetch https://onebip.jfrog.io/onebip/jenkins-remote/binary/Packages 404 Not Found
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead
curl 'https://onebip.jfrog.io/onebip/jenkins-remote/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Packages?trace'
Request ID: d23de3b6
Repo Path ID: jenkins-remote:dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Packages
Method Name: GET
User: reader
Time: 2017-08-29T05:48:35.074Z
Thread: http-nio-8081-exec-2975
2017-08-29T05:48:35.074Z Received request
2017-08-29T05:48:35.074Z Request source =, Last modified = 31-12-69 23:59:59 +00:00, If modified since = -1, Thread name = http-nio-8081-exec-2975
2017-08-29T05:48:35.074Z Executing any BeforeDownloadRequest user plugins that may exist
2017-08-29T05:48:35.074Z Retrieving info from {} repository '{}' type
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Requested resource is found = false
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Request is HEAD = false
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Request is for a checksum = false
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Target repository is not remote or doesn't store locally = false
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Requested resource was not modified = false
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Responding with unfound resource
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Setting default response status to '404' reason to 'Resource not found'
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Response is an instance of UnfoundRepoResourceReason
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Configured to hide un-authorized resources = false
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Original response status is auth related = false
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Using original response status of '404' and message 'Not Found'
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Sending error with status 404 and message 'Not Found'
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Executing any AfterDownloadErrorAction user plugins that may exist
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Response code wasn't modified by the user plugins
2017-08-29T05:48:35.075Z Sending response with the status '404' and the message 'Not Found'
> diff debian-remote jenkins-remote
< "key" : "debian-remote",
> "key" : "jenkins-remote",
< "description" : "Mirror of Ubuntu archive repo (local file cache)",
> "description" : "Mirror of Jenkins (local file cache)",
< "url" : "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/",
> "url" : "https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian",
> "mismatchingMimeTypesOverrideList" : "",