如何在日历事件列表optionalArgs中搜索default / none / empty privateExtendedProperty?
// Calendar.Events.list(calendarId, optionalArgs)
var data = Calendar.Events.list(calendarId, {
// privateExtendedProperty: default //Syntax error. (line ..., file "...")
// privateExtendedProperty: //Syntax error. (line ..., file "...")
// privateExtendedProperty: "mytag=tag" // returns the 1 event with that tag.
// privateExtendedProperty: "mytag<>tag" //ScriptError: A key or value missing in the extended_properties_match.
// privateExtendedProperty: "mytag!=tag" //no results
// privateExtendedProperty: "*!=*" // no results
// privateExtendedProperty: "!=" // no rusults
// privateExtendedProperty: "null=null" // no rusults
// privateExtendedProperty: null //All results (including the ones with privateExtendedProperty)
// privateExtendedProperty: undefined //All results
// privateExtendedProperty: "" //ScriptError: A key or value missing in the extended_properties_match.
如果我使用&#34; privateExtendedProperty:&#34; mytag = tag&#34;&#34;我找到带有该标签的事件,但我想找到所有没有标签的事件。
聚苯乙烯。我将谷歌日历API 3.0与谷歌应用程序脚本结合使用。