
时间:2017-08-25 12:40:55

标签: tfs

在TFS 2015中的项目中创建区域。添加区域后,该区域中的工作项不会显示在团队的待办事项中。我意识到这是因为,默认情况下,未选择区域,在这种情况下, testarea 未被选中。

testArea is not selected


 * Grabs the necessary connections to the server, as well as the required 
 * clients
static void loadFromServer()
    // Connect to TFS
    VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), 
    new VssCredentials());

    // Get the project collection that the project is a part of
    TfsTeamProjectCollection tpc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri

    // Get the version control server from the team project collection
    VersionControlServer vcs = tpc.GetService<VersionControlServer>();

    string projectName = "SomeProject";

    // Get the project from the version control server
    static TeamProject project = vcs.GetTeamProject(projectName);

    // Get the ICommonStructureService to create the area
    static ICommonStructureService commonStructures = 

 * Create the new area
static void createArea()
    // Root area of the project
    NodeInfo rootAreaNode = commonStructures.GetNodeFromPath(projectName 
    + "\\Area");

    string areaName = "SomeArea";
    // Create the new area node
    string newAreaUri = commonStructures.CreateNode(areaName, 

    Console.WriteLine(areaName + " created.");


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

根据我的测试,我们无法选择带有API的区域。我已经提交了user voice here来推荐该功能,您可以将其投票以实现功能。

根据官方文档Work item classification nodes,REST API没有选择/更新区域数据。我们只能Move an area node


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