在这段代码中,我试图做的是last_action == 1
时,我希望在关闭之前将LED打开8秒钟。同样在last_action == 0
时,我希望LED在开机前关闭8秒钟。 LED的开启和关闭由use_door()
功能控制。代码运行没有错误。但是当last_action == 0
,当LED关闭时,它在开启前不会关闭8秒。它在last_action == 1
last_open_time = None
last_close_time = None
last_action = -1
def openthedoor(set_accepted_list,set_list_ant_id,set_forbidden_list,set_accepted_list_frozen):
global last_open_time
global last_close_time
global last_action
should_remain_close = True
should_remain_open = False
if (last_action == 1):
curr_time = time.time()
print "this is the last_action" + str(last_action)
if last_open_time == None:
last_open_time = time.time()
print "time passed - " +str(curr_time - last_open_time)
if (curr_time - last_open_time) < 8:
should_remain_open = True
print "should remain open"
elif (last_action == 0):
curr_time2 = time.time()
print "this is the last_action for closing" + str(last_action)
if last_close_time == None:
last_close_time = time.time()
print "time passed on closing-"+str(curr_time2 - last_close_time)
if (curr_time2 - last_close_time) < 10:
should_remain_close = True
print "should_remain_close"
if(((len(set_accepted_list) >0) or should_remain_open == True) & (set_forbidden_list == set()) & ((set_accepted_list_frozen == None) or ((set_accepted_list_frozen & set_accepted_list)== set_accepted_list))):
print"yes,open the gate"
last_close_time = None
print"no,close the gate"
last_open_time = None
print "this is for shud remain open in 8 sec" + str(should_remain_open)