有一个" geotherm_01"对象" scene.scn"这个对象得到了材料" _1_terrasses_orange_water"和" _1_terrasses_eau"这会产生看似逼真的慢动画水。
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使用shader modifiers实现此水效果,如Xcode中的SceneKit场景编辑器所示。最重要的材料属性是normal map,它将用于影响光照,以便在完美平坦的几何体上模拟小波。
float waterSpeed = u_time * -0.1;vec2 uvs = _surface.normalTexcoord;uvs.x *= 2;vec3 tn = texture2D(u_normalTexture, vec2(uvs.x, uvs.y + waterSpeed)).xyz;tn = tn * 2 - 1;vec3 tn2 = texture2D(u_normalTexture, vec2(uvs.x + 0.35 , uvs.y + 0.35 + (waterSpeed * 1.3))).xyz;tn2 = tn2 * 2 - 1;vec3 rn = (tn + tn2) * 0.5;mat3 ts = mat3(_surface.tangent, _surface.bitangent, _surface.geometryNormal);_surface.normal = normalize(ts * rn);
// Elapsed time in seconds
float waterSpeed = u_time * -0.1;
// Texture coordinates that will be used to sample the normal map
vec2 uvs = _surface.normalTexcoord;
uvs.x *= 2;
// Sample the normal map
vec3 tn = texture2D(u_normalTexture, vec2(uvs.x, uvs.y + waterSpeed)).xyz;
// The texture stores values in the [0, 1] range
// Express the coordinates of the normal vector in the [-1, +1] range
tn = tn * 2 - 1;
// Sample the normal map again, using the `waterSpeed` offset this time
// in order to produce the animation effect
vec3 tn2 = texture2D(u_normalTexture, vec2(uvs.x + 0.35 , uvs.y + 0.35 + (waterSpeed * 1.3))).xyz;
tn2 = tn2 * 2 - 1;
// Combine the two normals (static and animated) to produce a richer (more complex and less uniform) effect
vec3 rn = (tn + tn2) * 0.5;
// Normals in the normal map are expressed in tangent space
// Convert them to object space and override the surface normal to simulate wavelets
mat3 ts = mat3(_surface.tangent, _surface.bitangent, _surface.geometryNormal);
_surface.normal = normalize(ts * rn);