此致 阿玛尔
答案 0 :(得分:1)
var input = "{ test: true }";
var jObject = JObject.Parse(input);
jObject["updated"] = true;
jObject["array"] = new JArray("item1", "item2", "item3");
var s = jObject.ToString();
// { test: true, updated: true, array: ["item1", "item2", "item3"] }
答案 1 :(得分:0)
// Inpup JSON
string input = "{ body: { name: { firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe' }, age: 43 } }";
JToken json = JToken.Parse(input); // Parsed to JToken as type may not be known.
// Select token based on JSONPath, see: http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/
JToken nameToken = json.SelectToken("$['body']['name']");
nameToken["middlename"] = "something";
// Prints: {"body":{"name":{"firstname":"John","lastname":"Doe","middlename":"something"},"age":43}}
string output = json.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None);
<强> OLD:强>
我的建议是为Json搜索现有的路径工具。 这是一个快速而又肮脏的例子,说明了如何做到这一点:
static void Main(string[] args)
string input = "{ body: { name: { firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe' }, age: 43 } }";
JToken json = JToken.Parse(input);
UpdateJson(json, "body/name/middlename", "Something");
// {"body":{"name":{"firstname":"John","lastname":"Doe","middlename":"Something"},"age":43}}
string output = json.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None);
UpdateJson(json, "body/jobs", new JArray(){ "C# Dev", "Network Master" });
// {"body":{"name":{"firstname":"John","lastname":"Doe","middlename":"Something"},"age":43,"jobs":["C# Dev","Network Master"]}}
string output2 = json.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None);
private static void UpdateJson(JToken source, string path, JToken value)
UpdateJsonInternal(source, path.Split('/'), 0, value);
private static void UpdateJsonInternal(JToken source, string[] path, int pathIndex, JToken value)
if (pathIndex == path.Length - 1)
if (source is JArray)
((JArray)source)[int.Parse(path[pathIndex])] = value;
else if (source is JObject)
((JObject)source)[path[pathIndex]] = value;
else if (source is JArray)
UpdateJsonInternal(((JArray)source)[int.Parse(path[pathIndex])], path, pathIndex + 1, value);
else if (source is JObject)
UpdateJsonInternal(((JObject)source)[path[pathIndex]], path, pathIndex + 1, value);
这将在指定的路径上添加或更新具有JToken值的源。 所以&#39; body / name / middlename&#39;要么添加&#39;中间名&#39;名字&#39;或者使用&#39; value&#39;进行更新。如果&#39; name&#39;如果不存在,这个例子就失败了。
答案 2 :(得分:0)
void SetValueByPath(JToken token, string path, object value)
var newToken = value == null ? null : JToken.FromObject(value);
var targetToken = token.SelectToken(path);
if(targetToken.Type == JTokenType.Property)
//Origin code by Squirrel.Downy(Flithor)
public static void AddTokenByPath(JToken jToken, string path, object value)
// Regex.Split("a.b.d[1]['my1.2.4'][4].af['micor.a.ee.f'].ra[6]", @"(?=\[)|(?=\[\.)|(?<=])(?>\.)")
// > { "a.b.d", "[1]", "['my1.2.4']", "[4]", "af", "['micor.a.ee.f']", "ra", "[6]" }
var pathParts = Regex.Split(path, @"(?=\[)|(?=\[\.)|(?<=])(?>\.)").ToArray();
JToken node = jToken;
for (int i = 0; i < pathParts.Length; i++)
var pathPart = pathParts[i];
var partNode = node.SelectToken(pathPart);
//node is null or token with null value
if (partNode == null || partNode.Type == JTokenType.Null)
if (i < pathParts.Length - 1)
//the next level is array or object
//accept [0], not ['prop']
JToken nextToken = Regex.IsMatch(pathParts[i + 1], @"\[\d+\]")) ?
new JArray() : new JObject();
SetToken(node, pathPart, nextToken);
else if (i == pathParts.Length - 1)
//JToken.FromObject(null) will throw a exception
var jValue = value == null ?
null : JToken.FromObject(value);
SetToken(node, pathPart, jValue);
partNode = node.SelectToken(pathPart);
node = partNode;
//set new token
void SetToken(JToken node, string pathPart, JToken jToken)
if (node.Type == JTokenType.Object)
//get real prop name (convert "['prop']" to "prop")
var name = pathPart.Trim('[', ']', '\'');
((JObject)node).Add(name, jToken);
else if (node.Type == JTokenType.Array)
//get real index (convert "[0]" to 0)
var index = int.Parse(pathPart.Trim('[', ']'));
var jArray = (JArray)node;
//if index is bigger than array length, fill the array
while (index >= jArray.Count)
//set token
jArray[index] = jToken;