编辑:我添加了我的代码,希望这是可以理解的......# sl: List containing for each layer: number of parameter matrices (=2 for conv or fully
# connected layer, =0 for flatten layer) & shapes of the matrices
# weight_list_lc: List containing my weight matrices
# biases_list_lc: List containing my biases
def Is_Trip_ConvNet(inp):
n_layers = len(sl)
curr_dim = inp.shape
for l in range(1,n_layers):
if sl[l][0] > 0: # weights available
weights = np.array(weight_list_lc[l-1])
weights = weights.reshape(np.array(sl[l][1])) # correct shape
biases = bias_list_lc[l-1]
if len(sl[l][1]) == 3: # ConvLayer
field_size = sl[l][1][0]
n_nodes = int(curr_dim[0]-field_size+1)
n_filt = sl[l][1][2]
out = np.zeros((n_nodes,n_filt))
for n in range(0,n_nodes):
for f in range(0,n_filt):
out[n,f] = np.sum(np.multiply(inp[n:n+field_size,:],weights[:,:,f]))
out[n,:] = out[n,:]+biases
else: # Fully Connected Layer
out = inp.dot(weights)
out = out + biases
if l == n_layers-1: # Output Unit
out = 1/(1+np.exp(-out)) # Sigmoid
out = out*(out>0) # ReLU
else: # no weights available --> Flatten Layer
out = inp.reshape(-1)
inp = out
curr_dim = inp.shape
return (out > 0.5)
我的输入形状为(18 x 8)(18个时间步长,8个功能)。 我的网络目前由卷积层(感知字段大小= 5,内核= 6),展平层,具有10个节点和1个输出节点的完全连接层组成。所有激活函数都是整流的,除了输出一个,这是sigmoid。