
时间:2017-08-17 14:15:08

标签: python python-2.7 python-3.x sorting

我需要按特定值对字典列表进行排序。不幸的是,有些值是None,并且排序在Python 3中不起作用,因为它不支持None与None值的比较。我还需要保留None值,并将它们作为最低值放在新的排序列表中。


import operator

list_of_dicts_with_nones = [
    {"value": 1, "other_value": 4},
    {"value": 2, "other_value": 3},
    {"value": 3, "other_value": 2},
    {"value": 4, "other_value": 1},
    {"value": None, "other_value": 42},
    {"value": None, "other_value": 9001}

# sort by first value but put the None values at the end
new_sorted_list = sorted(
    (some_dict for some_dict in list_of_dicts_with_nones),
    key=operator.itemgetter("value"), reverse=True


我在Python 3.6.1中得到的结果:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bilan/PycharmProjects/py3_tests/py_3_sorting.py", line 15, in <module>
    key=operator.itemgetter("value"), reverse=True
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'

我需要什么(这在Python 2.7中有效):

[{'value': 4, 'other_value': 1}, {'value': 3, 'other_value': 2}, {'value': 2, 'other_value': 3}, {'value': 1, 'other_value': 4}, {'value': None, 'other_value': 42}, {'value': None, 'other_value': 10001}]


A number smaller than negative infinity in python?

Is everything greater than None?

Comparing None with built-in types using arithmetic operators?

当没有涉及字典时,我可以在Python 3中重新创建Python 2的排序行为。但我没有看到与运营商合作的方法。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


L = [  # I mixed them to shown the sorting
    {"value": 1, "other_value": 4},
    {"value": 2, "other_value": 3},
    {"value": None, "other_value": 2},
    {"value": 4, "other_value": 1},
    {"value": None, "other_value": 42},
    {"value": 3, "other_value": 9001}

def weighted(nb):
    if nb is None:
        return -float('inf')
        return nb

L.sort(key=lambda x:weighted(x["value"]), reverse=True)
print(L) # => return the expected output in python 3.6



答案 1 :(得分:3)

对于Python 3:如here所述,您可以根据自己的情况执行以下操作:

L = [  # I mixed them to shown the sorting
     {"value": 1, "other_value": 4},
     {"value": 2, "other_value": 3},
     {"value": None, "other_value": 2},
     {"value": 4, "other_value": 1},
     {"value": None, "other_value": 42},
     {"value": 3, "other_value": 9001}

L.sort(key= lambda x: (x['value'] is not None, x['value']), reverse=True)

>>>[{'value': 4, 'other_value': 1}, {'value': 3, 'other_value': 9001}, {'value': 2, 'other_value': 3}, {'value': 1, 'other_value': 4}, {'value': None, 'other_value': 2}, {'value': None, 'other_value': 42}]

答案 2 :(得分:1)


my_list = [d for d in my_list if all(d.values())]

答案 3 :(得分:1)

maxsize 是 Python 数据结构的最大大小,例如列表中可以包含多少个元素。 从技术上讲,这不是最小的可能整数(因为 Python 3 具有无界整数值),但在正常用例中应该足够了。

import operator 
import sys

my_list = [
    {"value": 1, "other_value": 4},
    {"value": 2, "other_value": 3},
    {"value": 3, "other_value": 2},
    {"value": 4, "other_value": 1},
    {"value": None, "other_value": 42},
    {"value": None, "other_value": 9001}

def key(e):
    v = e["value"]
    return -sys.maxsize if v is None else v

new_sorted_list = sorted((my_list ),
    key=key, reverse=True



[{'value': 4, 'other_value': 1}, {'value': 3, 'other_value': 2}, {'value': 2, 'other_value': 3}, {'value': 1, 'other_value': 4}, {'value': None, 'other_value': 42}, {'value': None, 'other_value': 9001}]

[Program finished]