
时间:2011-01-01 08:17:37

标签: java arrays



我已经更新了我的代码,对于没有出现的textIO.java类道歉,不知道如何解决该问题,发布了一个指向TextIO.java的链接[TextIO.java] [1]




public class MazeGame {

//unicode characters that will define the maze walls,
//pathways, and in game characters.
final static char WALL = '\u2588';  //wall
final static char PATH = '\u2591';  //pathway
final static char PLAYER = '\u25EF';    //player
final static char ENTRANCE = 'E';   //entrance
final static char EXIT = '\u2716';  //exit

//declaring member variables which will hold the maze co-ordinates
//X = rows, Y = columns
static int entX = 0;    //entrance X co-ordinate
static int entY = 1;    //entrance y co-ordinate
static int plyrX = 0;
static int plyrY = 1;
static int exitX = 24;  //exit X co-ordinate
static int exitY = 37;  //exit Y co-ordinate

//static member variables which hold maze values    
//used so values can be accessed from different methods
static int rows;    //rows variable
static int cols;    //columns variable
static char[][] maze;   //defines 2 dimensional array to hold the maze

//variables that hold player movement values
static char dir;    //direction
static int spaces;  //amount of spaces user can travel

//variable to hold amount of moves the user has taken;
static int movesTaken = 0;

//new array to hold player moves for replaying game
static char[][] mazeCopy;
static int c_plyrX;
static int c_plyrY;

/** userMenu method for displaying the user menu which will provide various options for
 * the user to choose such as play a maze game, get instructions, etc.
public static void userMenu(){

    TextIO.putln("Maze Game");
    TextIO.putln("Choose an option.");
    TextIO.putln("1. Play the Maze Game.");
    TextIO.putln("2. View Instructions.");
    TextIO.putln("3. Replay the last game.");
    TextIO.putln("4. Exit the Maze Game.");

    int option; //variable for holding users option

    TextIO.put("Type your choice: ");
    option = TextIO.getlnInt(); //gets users option

    //switch statement for processing menu options
    case 1: playMazeGame(); break;
    case 2: instructions(); break;
    case 3: if (c_plyrX == plyrX && c_plyrY == plyrY)replayGame();
    else {
        TextIO.putln("Option not available yet, you need to play a game first.");
    case 4: System.exit(0); break;//exits the user out of the console
    default: TextIO.put("Option must be 1, 2, 3 or 4");break;
}   //end of userMenu

/**main method, will call the userMenu and get the users choice and call
 * the relevant method to execute the users choice.

public static void main(String[]args){

    userMenu(); //calls the userMenu method

    }   //end of main method

/**instructions method, displays instructions on how to play
 * the game to the user/
public static void instructions(){

    TextIO.putln("To beat the Maze Game you have to move your character");
    TextIO.putln("through the maze and reach the exit in as few moves as possible.");
    TextIO.putln("Your characer is displayed as a " + PLAYER);
    TextIO.putln("The maze exit is displayed as a " + EXIT);
    TextIO.putln("Reach the exit and you have won escaped the maze.");
    TextIO.putln("To control your character type the direction you want to go");
    TextIO.putln("and how many spaces you want to move");
    TextIO.putln("for example 'D3' will move your character");
    TextIO.putln("down 3 spaces.");
    TextIO.putln("Remember you can't walk through walls!");

    boolean insOption;  //boolean variable

    TextIO.put("Do you want to play the Maze Game now? (Y or N) ");
    insOption = TextIO.getlnBoolean();

    if (insOption == true)playMazeGame();
    else userMenu();
}   //end of instructions method

/**playMazeGame method, calls the loadMaze method and the charMove method
 * to start playing the Maze Game.

public static void playMazeGame(){


}   //end of playMazeGame method

/**loadMaze method, loads the 39x25 maze from the MazeGame.txt text file 
 * and inserts values from the text file into the maze array and 
 * displays the maze on screen using the unicode block characters.
 * plyrX and plyrY variables are set at their staring co ordinates so that when
 * a game is completed and the user selects to play a new game
 * the player character will always be at position 01.

public static void loadMaze(){

    plyrX = 0;
    plyrY = 1;

    TextIO.readFile("MazeGame.txt");    //now reads from the external MazeGame.txt file

    rows = TextIO.getInt(); //gets the number of rows from text file to create X dimensions
    cols = TextIO.getlnInt();   //gets number of columns from text file to create Y dimensions

    maze = new char[rows][cols];    //creates maze array of base type char with specified dimnensions

    //loop to process the array and read in values from the text file.
    for (int i = 0; i<rows; i++){
        for (int j = 0; j<cols; j++){
            maze[i][j] = TextIO.getChar();
    }   //end for loop

    TextIO.readStandardInput(); //closes MazeGame.txt file and reads from
                                //standard input.

    //loop to process the array values and display as unicode characters
    for (int i = 0; i<rows; i++){
        for (int j = 0; j<cols; j++){
            if (i == plyrX && j == plyrY){
                plyrX = i;
                plyrY = j;
                TextIO.put(PLAYER); //puts the player character at  player co-ords
            if (maze[i][j] == '0') TextIO.putf("%c",WALL);  //puts wall block
            if (maze[i][j] == '1') TextIO.putf("%c",PATH);  //puts path block
            if (maze[i][j] == '2') {
                entX = i;
                entY = j;
                TextIO.putf("%c",ENTRANCE); //puts entrance character
            if (maze[i][j] == '3') {
                exitX = i;  //holds value of exit
                exitY = j;  //co-ordinates
                TextIO.putf("%c",EXIT); //puts exit character           

    }   //end for loop

}   //end of loadMaze method

/**redrawMaze method, method for redrawing the maze after each move.

public static void redrawMaze(){

TextIO.readFile("MazeGame.txt");    //now reads from the external MazeGame.txt file

    rows = TextIO.getInt(); //gets the number of rows from text file to create X dimensions
    cols = TextIO.getlnInt();   //gets number of columns from text file to create Y dimensions

    maze = new char[rows][cols];    //creates maze array of base type char with specified dimnensions

    //loop to process the array and read in values from the text file.
    for (int i = 0; i<rows; i++){
        for (int j = 0; j<cols; j++){
            maze[i][j] = TextIO.getChar();
    }   //end for loop

    TextIO.readStandardInput(); //closes MazeGame.txt file and reads from
                                //standard input.

    //loop to process the array values and display as unicode characters
    for (int i = 0; i<rows; i++){
        for (int j = 0; j<cols; j++){
            if (i == plyrX && j == plyrY){
                plyrX = i;
                plyrY = j;
                TextIO.put(PLAYER); //puts the player character at  player co-ords
            if (maze[i][j] == '0') TextIO.putf("%c",WALL);  //puts wall block
            if (maze[i][j] == '1') TextIO.putf("%c",PATH);  //puts path block
            if (maze[i][j] == '2') {
                entX = i;
                entY = j;
                TextIO.putf("%c",ENTRANCE); //puts entrance character
            if (maze[i][j] == '3') {
                exitX = i;  //holds value of exit
                exitY = j;  //co-ordinates
                TextIO.putf("%c",EXIT); //puts exit character           

    }   //end for loop

}   //end redrawMaze method

/**replay game method

public static void replayGame(){

TextIO.readFile("MazeGame.txt");    //now reads from the external MazeGame.txt file

    rows = TextIO.getInt(); //gets the number of rows from text file to create X dimensions
    cols = TextIO.getlnInt();   //gets number of columns from text file to create Y dimensions

    mazeCopy = new char[rows][cols];    //creates maze array of base type char with specified dimnensions

    //loop to process the array and read in values from the text file.
    for (int i = 0; i<rows; i++){
        for (int j = 0; j<cols; j++){
            mazeCopy[i][j] = TextIO.getChar();
    }   //end for loop

    TextIO.readStandardInput(); //closes MazeGame.txt file and reads from
                                //standard input.

    //loop to process the array values and display as unicode characters
    for (int i = 0; i<rows; i++){
        for (int j = 0; j<cols; j++){
            if (i == c_plyrX && j == c_plyrY){
                c_plyrX = i;
                c_plyrY = j;
                TextIO.put(PLAYER); //puts the player character at  player co-ords
            if (mazeCopy[i][j] == '0') TextIO.putf("%c",WALL);  //puts wall block
            if (mazeCopy[i][j] == '1') TextIO.putf("%c",PATH);  //puts path block
            if (mazeCopy[i][j] == '2') {
                entX = i;
                entY = j;
                TextIO.putf("%c",ENTRANCE); //puts entrance character
            if (mazeCopy[i][j] == '3') {
                exitX = i;  //holds value of exit
                exitY = j;  //co-ordinates
                TextIO.putf("%c",EXIT); //puts exit character           

    }   //end for loop

    TextIO.putln("postion at " + mazeCopy[c_plyrX][c_plyrY]);

}   //end replayGame method

/**plyrMoves method, method for moving the players character
 * around the maze.

public static void plyrMoves(){

    int nplyrX = plyrX;
    int nplyrY = plyrY;
    int pMoves;


    if (dir == 'U' || dir == 'u'){

        nplyrX = plyrX;
        nplyrY = plyrY;
        c_plyrX = plyrX;
        c_plyrY = plyrY;

        for(pMoves = 0; pMoves <= spaces; pMoves++){
            if (maze[nplyrX][nplyrY] == '0'){
                TextIO.putln("Invalid move, try again.");
            else if (pMoves != spaces){
                nplyrX =plyrX + 1;
                c_plyrX = nplyrX;
            else {
                plyrX = plyrX-spaces;
                c_plyrX = plyrX;

    }//end UP if

    if (dir == 'D' || dir == 'd'){

        nplyrX = plyrX;
        nplyrY = plyrY;
        c_plyrX = plyrX;
        c_plyrY = plyrY;

        for (pMoves = 0; pMoves <= spaces; pMoves ++){
            if (maze[nplyrX][nplyrY] == '0'){
                TextIO.putln("Invalid move, try again");
            else if (pMoves != spaces){
                nplyrX = plyrX+1;
                c_plyrX = nplyrX;
                plyrX = plyrX+spaces;
                c_plyrX = plyrX;

    }   //end DOWN if

    if (dir == 'L' || dir =='l'){

        nplyrX = plyrX;
        nplyrY = plyrY;
        c_plyrX = plyrX;
        c_plyrY = plyrY;

        for (pMoves = 0; pMoves <= spaces; pMoves++){
            if (maze[nplyrX][nplyrY] == '0'){
                TextIO.putln("Invalid move, try again");
            else if (pMoves != spaces){
                nplyrY = plyrY + 1;
                c_plyrY = nplyrY;
                plyrY = plyrY-spaces;
                c_plyrY = plyrY;
    }   //end LEFT if

    if (dir == 'R' || dir == 'r'){

        nplyrX = plyrX;
        nplyrY = plyrY;
        c_plyrX = plyrX;
        c_plyrY = plyrY;

        for (pMoves = 0; pMoves <= spaces; pMoves++){
            if (maze[nplyrX][nplyrY] == '0'){
                TextIO.putln("Invalid move, try again.");
            else if (pMoves != spaces){
                nplyrY = plyrY + 1;
                c_plyrY = nplyrY;
                plyrY = plyrY+spaces;
                c_plyrY = plyrY;

    }   //end RIGHT if

    //prints message if player escapes from the maze.
    if (maze[plyrX][plyrY] == '3'){
        TextIO.putln("You have escaped from the maze.");



}   //end of plyrMoves method

/**direction, method
public static char direction(){
    TextIO.putln("Enter the direction you wish to move in and the distance");
    TextIO.putln("i.e D3 = move down 3 spaces");
    TextIO.putln("U - Up, D - Down, L - Left, R - Right: ");
    dir = TextIO.getChar();

    if (dir =='U' || dir == 'D' || dir == 'L' || dir == 'R'
        || dir == 'u' || dir == 'd' || dir == 'l' || dir == 'r'){
        TextIO.putln("Invalid direction!");
        TextIO.put("Direction must be one of U, D, L or R");

    return dir; //returns the value of dir (direction)

}   //end direction method

/**spaces method, gets the amount of spaces the user wants to move

public static int spacesMoved(){
    TextIO.putln(" ");
    spaces = TextIO.getlnInt();

    if (spaces  <= 0){

    TextIO.put("Invalid amount of spaces, type spaces again");

    return spaces;
}   //end spacesMoved method 

}   //end of MazeGame class

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