
时间:2017-08-09 22:33:25

标签: alexa-skills-kit alexa-skill alexa-slot

Alexa没有认识到我的意图有插槽。 Alexa认识到我没有插槽的所有意图,但没有插槽的意图。例如,Alexa识别“视图琐事”,但不识别“视图琐事{chore}”。这仅在实际设备上运行时发生,而不是在模拟器上运行。为什么会这样?


  "intents": [
      "name": "AddChoreIntent",
      "samples": [
        "add chore",
        "add chore for {person}",
        "add chore {chore} for {person}",
        "add chore {chore}",
        "add chore {chore} at {time}",
        "add chore {chore} for {person} at {time}",
        "add chore for {person} at {time}",
        "add chore at {time}",
        "add chore repeating {interval}",
        "add chore {chore} repeating {interval}",
        "add chore {chore} for {person} repeating {interval}",
        "add chore {chore} at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "add chore {chore} for {person} at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "add chore at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "i want to add a chore",
        "i want to add a chore for {person}",
        "i want to add a chore {chore} for {person} ",
        "i want to add a chore {chore}",
        "i want to add a chore {chore} at {time}",
        "i want to add a chore {chore} for {person} at {time}",
        "i want to add a chore for {person} at {time}",
        "i want to add a chore at {time} ",
        "i want to add a chore repeating {interval}",
        "i want to add a chore {chore} repeating {interval}",
        "i want to add a chore {chore} for {person} repeating {interval}",
        "i want to add a chore {chore} at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "i want to add a chore {chore} for {person} at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "i want to add a chore at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "i want to create a chore",
        "i want to create a chore for {person}",
        "i want to create a chore {chore} for {person}",
        "i want to create a chore {chore}",
        "i want to create a chore {chore} at {time}",
        "i want to create a chore {chore} for {person} at {time}",
        "i want to create a chore for {person} at {time}",
        "i want to create a chore at {time} ",
        "i want to create a chore repeating {interval}",
        "i want to create a chore {chore} repeating {interval}",
        "i want to create a chore {chore} for {person} repeating {interval}",
        "i want to create a chore {chore} at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "i want to create a chore {chore} for {person} at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "i want to create a chore at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "create a chore",
        "create a chore for {person}",
        "create a chore {chore} for {person}",
        "create a chore {chore}",
        "create a chore {chore} at {time}",
        "create a chore {chore} for {person} at {time}",
        "create a chore for {person} at {time}",
        "create a chore at {time} ",
        "create a chore repeating {interval}",
        "create a chore {chore} repeating {interval}",
        "create a chore {chore} for {person} repeating {interval}",
        "create a chore {chore} at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "create a chore {chore} for {person} at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "create a chore at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "create chore",
        "create chore {chore}",
        "create chore for {person}",
        "create chore {chore} for {person} ",
        "create chore {chore} at {time}",
        "create chore {chore} for {person} at {time}",
        "create chore for {person} at {time}",
        "create chore at {time} ",
        "create chore repeating {interval}",
        "create chore {chore} repeating {interval}",
        "create chore {chore} for {person} repeating {interval}",
        "create chore {chore} at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "create chore {chore} for {person} at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "create chore at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "add a chore",
        "add a chore for {person}",
        "add a chore {chore} for {person} ",
        "add a chore {chore}",
        "add a chore {chore} at {time}",
        "add a chore {chore} for {person} at {time}",
        "add a chore for {person} at {time}",
        "add a chore at {time} ",
        "add a chore repeating {interval}",
        "add a chore {chore} repeating {interval}",
        "add a chore {chore} for {person} repeating {interval}",
        "add a chore {chore} at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "add a chore {chore} for {person} at {time} repeating {interval}",
        "add a chore at {time} repeating {interval}"
      "slots": [
          "name": "chore",
          "type": "Chore",
          "samples": [
            "the chore is {chore}",
            "the chore will be {chore}",
            "the chore {chore}",
            "add chore {chore}",
            "add the chore {chore}",
            "add {chore}"
          "name": "person",
          "type": "AMAZON.US_FIRST_NAME",
          "samples": [
            "{person} will do this chore",
            "{person} will",
            "it will be {person}"
          "name": "time",
          "type": "AMAZON.TIME",
          "samples": [
            "at {time}",
            "it will be done at {time}",
            "it will be performed at {time}",
            "the time is {time}",
            "the time to do this chore will be {time}",
            "the time will be {time}"
          "name": "interval",
          "type": "Interval",
          "samples": [
            "it will be performed {interval}",
            "it will be done {interval}",
            "the interval is {interval}"
      "name": "AMAZON.CancelIntent",
      "samples": []
      "name": "AMAZON.HelpIntent",
      "samples": []
      "name": "AMAZON.StopIntent",
      "samples": []
      "name": "DeleteChoreIntent",
      "samples": [
        "delete chore {chore}",
        "delete the chore {chore}",
        "delete a chore",
        "i want to delete chore {chore}",
        "i want to delete the chore {chore}",
        "i want to delete a chore"
      "slots": [
          "name": "chore",
          "type": "Chore",
          "samples": [
            "the chore is {chore}",
            "delete the chore {chore}",
            "delete {chore}",
            "delete chore {chore}"
      "name": "EditChoreIntent",
      "samples": [
        "edit the person of chore {chore} to {person}",
        "edit the person of the chore {chore} to {person}",
        "edit the person of a chore to {person}",
        "i want to edit the person of chore {chore} to {person}",
        "i want to edit the person of the chore {chore} to {person}",
        "i want to edit the person of a chore to {person}",
        "edit the time of chore {chore} to {time}",
        "edit the time of the chore {chore} to {time}",
        "edit the time of a chore to {time}",
        "i want to edit the time of chore {chore} to {time}",
        "i want to edit the time of the chore {chore} to {time}",
        "i want to edit the time of a chore to {time}",
        "edit the interval of chore {chore} to {interval}",
        "edit the interval of the chore {chore} to {interval}",
        "edit the interval of a chore to {interval}",
        "i want to edit the interval of chore {chore} to {interval}",
        "i want to edit the interval of the chore {chore} to {interval}",
        "i want to edit the interval of a chore to {interval}",
        "change the person of chore {chore} to {person}",
        "change the person of the chore {chore} to {person}",
        "change the person of a chore to {person}",
        "i want to change the person of chore {chore} to {person}",
        "i want to change the person of the chore {chore} to {person}",
        "i want to change the person of a chore to {person}",
        "change the time of chore {chore} to {time}",
        "change the time of the chore {chore} to {time}",
        "change the time of a chore to {time}",
        "i want to change the time of chore {chore} to {time}",
        "i want to change the time of the chore {chore} to {time}",
        "i want to change the time of a chore to {time}",
        "change the interval of chore {chore} to {interval}",
        "change the interval of the chore {chore} to {interval}",
        "change the interval of a chore to {interval}",
        "i want to change the interval of chore {chore} to {interval}",
        "i want to change the interval of the chore {chore} to {interval}",
        "i want to change the interval of a chore to {interval}",
        "edit the person of {chore} to {person}",
        "edit the person of the {chore} to {person}",
        "i want to edit the person of {chore} to {person}",
        "i want to edit the person of the {chore} to {person}",
        "edit the time of {chore} to {time}",
        "edit the time of the {chore} to {time}",
        "i want to edit the time of {chore} to {time}",
        "i want to edit the time of the {chore} to {time}",
        "edit the interval of {chore} to {interval}",
        "edit the interval of the {chore} to {interval}",
        "i want to edit the interval of {chore} to {interval}",
        "i want to edit the interval of the {chore} to {interval}",
        "change the person of {chore} to {person}",
        "change the person of the {chore} to {person}",
        "i want to change the person of {chore} to {person}",
        "i want to change the person of the {chore} to {person}",
        "change the time of {chore} to {time}",
        "change the time of the {chore} to {time}",
        "i want to change the time of {chore} to {time}",
        "i want to change the time of the {chore} to {time}",
        "change the interval of {chore} to {interval}",
        "change the interval of the {chore} to {interval}",
        "i want to change the interval of {chore} to {interval}",
        "i want to change the interval of the {chore} to {interval}"
      "slots": [
          "name": "chore",
          "type": "Chore",
          "samples": [
            "the chore {chore}",
            "edit chore {chore}",
            "edit {chore}",
            "edit the chore {chore}"
          "name": "person",
          "type": "AMAZON.US_FIRST_NAME",
          "samples": []
          "name": "time",
          "type": "AMAZON.TIME",
          "samples": []
          "name": "interval",
          "type": "Interval",
          "samples": []
      "name": "RenameChoreIntent",
      "samples": [
        "rename {chore} to {newChore}",
        "rename the chore {chore}",
        "rename {chore}",
        "rename the chore {chore} to {newChore}",
        "i want to rename {chore} to {newChore}",
        "i want to rename the chore {chore}",
        "i want to rename {chore}",
        "i want to rename the chore {chore} to {newChore}"
      "slots": [
          "name": "chore",
          "type": "Chore",
          "samples": [
            "the chore is {chore}",
            "the chore will be {chore}",
            "the chore {chore}",
            "rename {chore}",
            "rename the chore {chore}"
          "name": "newChore",
          "type": "Chore",
          "samples": [
            "the chore is {newChore}",
            "the chore will be {newChore}",
            "the chore {newChore}",
            "rename {chore} to {newChore}",
            "rename the chore to {newChore}",
            "rename the chore {chore} to {newChore}"
      "name": "ViewChoreDetailsIntent",
      "samples": [
        "i want to view the chore {chore}",
        "i want to see the chore {chore}",
        "i want to see chore {chore}",
        "i want to view chore {chore}",
        "view chore {chore}",
        "view a chore",
        "i want to view a chore",
        "view chore",
        "chore {chore}"
      "slots": [
          "name": "chore",
          "type": "Chore",
          "samples": [
            "view the chore {chore}",
            "the chore {chore}",
            "view chore {chore}",
            "view {chore}"
      "name": "ViewChoresIntent",
      "samples": [
        "view chores",
        "view chores for {person}",
        "view the chores for {person}",
        "view {person} chores",
        "view my chores",
        "view all chores",
        "view the chores",
        "view all of {person} chores",
        "view all the chores",
        "i want to view chores",
        "i want to view chores for {person}",
        "i want to view the chores for {person}",
        "i want to view {person} chores",
        "i want to view my chores",
        "i want to view all chores",
        "i want to view the chores",
        "i want to view all of {person} chores",
        "i want to view all the chores",
        "i want to see chores",
        "i want to see chores for {person}",
        "i want to see the chores for {person}",
        "i want to see {person} chores",
        "i want to see all chores",
        "i want to see the chores",
        "i want to see all of {person} chores",
        "i want to see all the chores",
        "my chores",
        "the chores",
        "what are my chores",
        "what are the chores",
        "{person} chores",
        "what are {person} chores"
      "slots": [
          "name": "person",
          "type": "AMAZON.US_FIRST_NAME",
          "samples": []
  "types": [
      "name": "Chore",
      "values": [
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "washing dishes",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "walking the dog",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "making the bed",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "doing laundry",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "cleaning the table",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "drying dishes",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "mopping the floor",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "making dinner",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "organizing the bedroom",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "mopping",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "cleaning",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "washing",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "taking out the trash",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "washing clothes",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "watering plants",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "cleaning the pool",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "watering the plant",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "watering the plants",
            "synonyms": []
      "name": "Interval",
      "values": [
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "daily",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "monthly",
            "synonyms": []
          "id": null,
          "name": {
            "value": "weekly",
            "synonyms": []
  "prompts": [
      "id": "Elicit.Intent-AddChoreIntent.IntentSlot-chore",
      "promptVersion": "1.0",
      "definitionVersion": "1.0",
      "variations": [
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "What chore?"
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "Which chore?"
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "What chore should I add?"
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "What chore do you want to add?"
      "id": "Elicit.Intent-AddChoreIntent.IntentSlot-person",
      "promptVersion": "1.0",
      "definitionVersion": "1.0",
      "variations": [
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "Who will perform this chore?"
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "Who will do this chore?"
      "id": "Elicit.Intent-AddChoreIntent.IntentSlot-time",
      "promptVersion": "1.0",
      "definitionVersion": "1.0",
      "variations": [
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "At what time should this chore be performed?"
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "When should this chore be performed?"
      "id": "Elicit.Intent-AddChoreIntent.IntentSlot-interval",
      "promptVersion": "1.0",
      "definitionVersion": "1.0",
      "variations": [
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "At what interval should this chore be performed?"
      "id": "Confirm.Intent-DeleteChoreIntent",
      "promptVersion": "1.0",
      "definitionVersion": "1.0",
      "variations": [
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "Are you sure you want to delete the chore {chore}?"
      "id": "Elicit.Intent-DeleteChoreIntent.IntentSlot-chore",
      "promptVersion": "1.0",
      "definitionVersion": "1.0",
      "variations": [
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "What chore should I delete?"
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "What chore do you want to delete?"
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "Which chore?"
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "What chore?"
      "id": "Elicit.Intent-EditChoreIntent.IntentSlot-chore",
      "promptVersion": "1.0",
      "definitionVersion": "1.0",
      "variations": [
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "What chore do you want to edit?"
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "What chore?"
      "id": "Elicit.Intent-RenameChoreIntent.IntentSlot-chore",
      "promptVersion": "1.0",
      "definitionVersion": "1.0",
      "variations": [
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "What chore do you want to rename?"
      "id": "Elicit.Intent-RenameChoreIntent.IntentSlot-newChore",
      "promptVersion": "1.0",
      "definitionVersion": "1.0",
      "variations": [
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "What do you want to rename the chore to?"
      "id": "Elicit.Intent-ViewChoreDetailsIntent.IntentSlot-chore",
      "promptVersion": "1.0",
      "definitionVersion": "1.0",
      "variations": [
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "What chore do you want to view?"
          "type": "PlainText",
          "value": "What chore?"
  "dialog": {
    "version": "1.0",
    "intents": [
        "name": "AddChoreIntent",
        "confirmationRequired": false,
        "prompts": {},
        "slots": [
            "name": "chore",
            "type": "Chore",
            "elicitationRequired": true,
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "prompts": {
              "elicit": "Elicit.Intent-AddChoreIntent.IntentSlot-chore"
            "name": "person",
            "type": "AMAZON.US_FIRST_NAME",
            "elicitationRequired": true,
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "prompts": {
              "elicit": "Elicit.Intent-AddChoreIntent.IntentSlot-person"
            "name": "time",
            "type": "AMAZON.TIME",
            "elicitationRequired": true,
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "prompts": {
              "elicit": "Elicit.Intent-AddChoreIntent.IntentSlot-time"
            "name": "interval",
            "type": "Interval",
            "elicitationRequired": true,
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "prompts": {
              "elicit": "Elicit.Intent-AddChoreIntent.IntentSlot-interval"
        "name": "DeleteChoreIntent",
        "confirmationRequired": true,
        "prompts": {
          "confirm": "Confirm.Intent-DeleteChoreIntent"
        "slots": [
            "name": "chore",
            "type": "Chore",
            "elicitationRequired": true,
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "prompts": {
              "elicit": "Elicit.Intent-DeleteChoreIntent.IntentSlot-chore"
        "name": "EditChoreIntent",
        "confirmationRequired": false,
        "prompts": {},
        "slots": [
            "name": "chore",
            "type": "Chore",
            "elicitationRequired": true,
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "prompts": {
              "elicit": "Elicit.Intent-EditChoreIntent.IntentSlot-chore"
            "name": "person",
            "type": "AMAZON.US_FIRST_NAME",
            "elicitationRequired": false,
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "prompts": {}
            "name": "time",
            "type": "AMAZON.TIME",
            "elicitationRequired": false,
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "prompts": {}
            "name": "interval",
            "type": "Interval",
            "elicitationRequired": false,
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "prompts": {}
        "name": "RenameChoreIntent",
        "confirmationRequired": false,
        "prompts": {},
        "slots": [
            "name": "chore",
            "type": "Chore",
            "elicitationRequired": true,
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "prompts": {
              "elicit": "Elicit.Intent-RenameChoreIntent.IntentSlot-chore"
            "name": "newChore",
            "type": "Chore",
            "elicitationRequired": true,
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "prompts": {
              "elicit": "Elicit.Intent-RenameChoreIntent.IntentSlot-newChore"
        "name": "ViewChoreDetailsIntent",
        "confirmationRequired": false,
        "prompts": {},
        "slots": [
            "name": "chore",
            "type": "Chore",
            "elicitationRequired": true,
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "prompts": {
              "elicit": "Elicit.Intent-ViewChoreDetailsIntent.IntentSlot-chore"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)
