
时间:2017-08-08 22:02:45

标签: javascript node.js promise


  1. 这是“宣传”功能的正确方法吗?
  2. 这是处理拒绝和解决问题的正确方法吗?
  3. 我完全错了什么?

    const Redis     = require('ioredis');
    const redis     = new Redis({
        port: 6379,
        host: ''
    function checkValues(name, section) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            .sismember('names', name)
            .sismember('sections', section)
            .then((results) => {
                if(results[0][1] === 1 && results [1][1] ===1) {
                    reject('Match on both.');
                } else if(results[0][1] === 1 || results [1][1] ===1) {
                    reject('Match on one.');
                } else {
                    .sadd('names', name)
                    .sadd('sections', section)
                    .then((results) => {
                        // Lazy assumption of success.
                        resolve('Added as no matches.');
                    // No catch needed as this would be thrown up and caught?
            .catch((error) => {
    // Call stuff.
    checkValues('barry', 'green')
    .then((result) => {
        // Added as no matches "resolve" message from 'barry', 'green'
        retutn checkValues('steve', 'blue');
    .then((result) => {
        // Added as no matches "resolve" message from 'steve', 'blue'
        retutn checkValues('steve', 'blue');
    .then((result) => {
        // Match on both "reject" message from 'steve', 'blue'
    .catch((error) => {

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


function checkValues(name, section) {
  // Just return this Promise
  return redis.multi()
    .sismember('names', name)
    .sismember('sections', section)
    .then((results) => {
        if(results[0][1] === 1 && results [1][1] ===1) {
            // Rejections will be caught down the line
            return Promise.reject('Match on both.');
        } else if(results[0][1] === 1 || results [1][1] ===1) {
            return Promise.reject('Match on one.');
        } else {
            // You can return another Promise from then()
            return redis.multi()
            .sadd('names', name)
            .sadd('sections', section)
 // You don't need to catch here - you can catch everything at the end of the chain

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  1. 请勿使用explicit-promise-construction-antipattern
  2. 作为清除反模式的一般指南,在删除new Promise()包装后,将resolve语句更改为returnreject语句为throw new Error(...)
  3. .catch()抓住了!如果调用者可以观察到/可以处理错误,那么要么不要进入checkValues(),要么抓住并重新投掷。在不重新投掷的情况下捕获将导致返回的承诺在其成功路径上得到解决,而不是错误路径,这对于错误恢复非常有用,但并不总是合适。
  4. 建议所有这三种情况,“匹配”,“匹配一个”,“匹配一个'并且'添加为没有匹配',确实是成功的。除非有特别的理由想要在两者之间进行匹配。并且'匹配一个'被视为错误条件,然后是return而不是reject / throw。这样,无论预期结果如何,您的调用内容链都将沿着其成功路径.then().then().then()向下发展;只有意外错误才会在最终.catch()捕获错误路径。这不是一般规则;通常,投掷是正确的事情,但不是在这里。
  5. function checkValues(name, section) {
        return redis.multi()
        .sismember('names', name)
        .sismember('sections', section)
        .then((results) => {
            if(results[0][1] === 1 && results [1][1] === 1) {
                return 'Match on both.';
            } else if(results[0][1] === 1 || results [1][1] ===1) {
                return 'Match on one.';
            } else {
                return redis.multi()
                .sadd('names', name)
                .sadd('sections', section)
                .then((results) => {
                    return 'Added as no matches.';
        .catch((error) => {
            throw error;
    // Call stuff.
    checkValues('barry', 'green')
    .then((result) => {
        console.log(result); // expect 'Added as no matches'
        return checkValues('steve', 'blue');
    .then((result) => {
        return checkValues('steve', 'blue'); // expect 'Added as no matches'
    .then((result) => {
        console.log(result); // expect 'Match on both'
    .catch((error) => {
        // only an unexpected error will land here