在我的webApi2服务中,我使用Entity框架作为我的Linm作为查询语言后端作为azure-sql。 我的DTO类来映射我的查询结果。
public class RTLSLevelZonesInfoDTO
public List<int> L1 { get; set; }
public List<int> L2 { get; set; }
public List<int> L3 { get; set; }
public RTLSLevelZonesInfoDTO()
L1 = new List<int>();
L2 = new List<int>();
L3 = new List<int>();
var leveZones = (from s in db.RTLS_SpotLevelMap
group s by s.Level_no
into g
select new RTLSLevelZonesInfoDTO
L1 = (g.Key == 1) ? (List<int>)g: convertedLocationArray,
L2 = (g.Key == 2) ? (List<int>)g : convertedLocationArray,
L3 = (g.Key == 3) ? (List<int>)g : convertedLocationArray
的异常无法转换类型&#39; System.Linq.IGrouping2 [[System.Decimal, mscorlib,版本=,文化=中性, 公钥= b77a5c561934e089],[RTLSWebService.Models.RTLS_DB.RTLS_SpotLevelMap, RTLSWebService,版本=,文化=中立, 公钥=空]]&#39;输入 &#39; System.Collections.Generic.List`1 [[System.Int32,mscorlib, Version =,Culture = neutral,PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089]]&#39;。 LINQ to Entities仅支持转换EDM原语或枚举 类型。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Def file_Q (fileaddr):
Train_labels = []
Train_images = []
For line in open (fileaddr, 'r'):
Cols = re.split (',', line)
Train_images.append (cols [0])
Train_labels.append (int (cols [1]))
Input_queue = tf.train.slice_input_producer ([train_images, train_labels], num_epochs = None, shuffle = True)
Return input_queue # return [addr text, label] queue
Def read_data (input_queue):
Image_addr = input_queue [0]
Label = input_queue [1]
Image = tf.image.decode_jpeg (tf.read_file (image_addr), channels = 3) # create 3-d rgb image object using image addr
Print 'image_addr:', image_addr
Print 'label:', label
Print 'image:', image
Return image, label, image_addr
Def read_data_batch (FILE_ADDR_):
Input_queue = file_Q (FILE_ADDR_)
Image, label, filename = read_data (input_queue)
Image = tf.reshape (image, [1344, 200, 3])
Batch_image, batch_label = tf.train.batch ([image, label], batch_size = 32) #, capacity = 20000, min_after_dequeue = 100)
Return batch_image, batch_label
Bat_im, bat_la = read_data_batch (FILE_ADDR)
With tf.Session () as sess:
Sess.run (tf.local_variables_initializer ())
Sess.run (tf.global_variables_initializer ())
Coord = tf.train.Coordinator ()
Threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners (coord = coord, sess = sess)
For i in range (10):
Batch_im_, batch_la_ = sess.run ([bat_im, bat_la])
Print batch_im_, batch_la_
Coord.request_stop ()
Coord.join (threads)
Print ('finish')
答案 1 :(得分:0)
var levelZones = new RTLSLevelZonesInfoDTO();
var l1 = await ((db.RTLS_SpotLevelMap.Where(p => p.Level_no == 1)).Select(q => (int)q.zone_id)).ToListAsync();
var l2 = await ((db.RTLS_SpotLevelMap.Where(p => p.Level_no == 2)).Select(q => (int)q.zone_id)).ToListAsync();
var l3 = await ((db.RTLS_SpotLevelMap.Where(p => p.Level_no == 3)).Select(q => (int)q.zone_id)).ToListAsync();
levelZones.L1 = l1;
levelZones.L2 = l2;
levelZones.L3 = l3;
答案 2 :(得分:0)
var lookup = db.RTLS_SpotLevelMap.ToLookup(s => s.Level_no, s => s.ZoneId);
new RTLSLevelZonesInfoDTO
L1 = lookup[1].ToList(),
L2 = lookup[2].ToList(),
L3 = lookup[3].ToList()