我一直在读,有一个"规则"说通常90%的时间花在10%的代码上。为了找出这些瓶颈,我开始使用intel VTune性能分析器。仿真分析表明,代码的特定部分花费了大量时间,如图像所示。
!---- Update soil moisture and energy from transpiration/root uptake. ------------------!
if (rk4aux(ibuff)%any_resolvable) then
do k1 = klsl, mzg ! loop over extracted water
do k2=k1,mzg
if (rk4site%ntext_soil(k2) /= 13) then
! Transpiration happens only when there is some water left down to this !
! layer. !
if (rk4aux(ibuff)%avail_h2o_int(k1) > 0.d0) then
! Find the contribution of layer k2 for the transpiration from !
! cohorts that reach layer k1. !
ext_weight = rk4aux(ibuff)%avail_h2o_lyr(k2) / rk4aux(ibuff)%avail_h2o_int(k1)
wloss_tot = 0.d0
qloss_tot = 0.d0
wvlmeloss_tot = 0.d0
qvlmeloss_tot = 0.d0
do ico=1,cpatch%ncohorts
!----- Find the loss from this cohort. -------------------------------!
wloss = rk4aux(ibuff)%extracted_water(ico,k1) * ext_weight
qloss = wloss * tl2uint8(initp%soil_tempk(k2),1.d0)
wvlmeloss = wloss * wdnsi8 * dslzi8(k2)
qvlmeloss = qloss * dslzi8(k2)
! Add the internal energy to the cohort. This energy will be !
! eventually lost to the canopy air space because of transpiration, !
! but we will do it in two steps so we ensure energy is conserved. !
dinitp%leaf_energy(ico) = dinitp%leaf_energy(ico) + qloss
dinitp%veg_energy(ico) = dinitp%veg_energy(ico) + qloss
initp%hflx_lrsti(ico) = initp%hflx_lrsti(ico) + qloss
!----- Integrate the total to be removed from this layer. ------------!
wloss_tot = wloss_tot + wloss
qloss_tot = qloss_tot + qloss
wvlmeloss_tot = wvlmeloss_tot + wvlmeloss
qvlmeloss_tot = qvlmeloss_tot + qvlmeloss
end do
!----- Update derivatives of water, energy, and transpiration. ----------!
dinitp%soil_water (k2) = dinitp%soil_water(k2) - wvlmeloss_tot
dinitp%soil_energy (k2) = dinitp%soil_energy(k2) - qvlmeloss_tot
dinitp%avg_transloss(k2) = dinitp%avg_transloss(k2) - wloss_tot
end if
end if
end do
end do
end if
再多想一想,我意识到这里有一些简单的优化。例如,将条件if (rk4aux(ibuff)%avail_h2o_int(k1) > 0.d0) then
dinitp%leaf_energy(ico) = dinitp%leaf_energy(ico) + qloss
dinitp%veg_energy(ico) = dinitp%veg_energy(ico) + qloss
initp%hflx_lrsti(ico) = initp%hflx_lrsti(ico) + qloss
!---- Update soil moisture and energy from transpiration/root uptake. ------------------!
if (rk4aux(ibuff)%any_resolvable) then
do k1 = klsl, mzg ! loop over extracted water
! Transpiration happens only when there is some water left down to this !
! layer. !
if (rk4aux(ibuff)%avail_h2o_int(k1) > 0.d0) then
wloss_tot_k1 = 0.d0
do ico=1,cpatch%ncohorts
!----- Integrate the total to be removed from this layer. ------------!
wloss_tot_k1 = wloss_tot_k1 + rk4aux(ibuff)%extracted_water(ico,k1)
end do
do k2=k1,mzg
if (rk4site%ntext_soil(k2) /= 13) then
do ico=1,cpatch%ncohorts
wloss = rk4aux(ibuff)%extracted_water(ico,k1) * ext_weight
uint_here1 = wloss * uint_here
dinitp%leaf_energy(ico) = dinitp%leaf_energy(ico) + uint_here1
dinitp%veg_energy(ico) = dinitp%veg_energy(ico) + uint_here1
initp%hflx_lrsti(ico) = initp%hflx_lrsti(ico) + uint_here1
end do
wloss_tot = wloss_tot_k1 * ext_weight
wvlmeloss_tot = wloss_tot * dslzi8(k2) * wdnsi8
qvlmeloss_tot = wloss_tot * dslzi8(k2) * uint_here
!----- Update derivatives of water, energy, and transpiration. ----------!
dinitp%soil_water (k2) = dinitp%soil_water(k2) - wvlmeloss_tot
dinitp%soil_energy (k2) = dinitp%soil_energy(k2) - qvlmeloss_tot
dinitp%avg_transloss(k2) = dinitp%avg_transloss(k2) - wloss_tot
end if
end do
end if
end do
end if