我是C ++的新手,我试图自己学习,所以我遇到了很多简单的问题。现在我想查看一个目录,其中包含以" .img"结尾的文件,并仅将文件名和创建时间推送到结构向量中。
void filterContextByHsiTime(const char *context_path, int hsi_create_time) {
struct contextFileStruct { //Define Struct containing key elements of a file
double createTime;
string fileName;
std::vector<contextFileStruct> contextVector; //Initialize resizable vector array of type contextFileStruct
contextFileStruct tempStruct;
_finddata_t allFiles; //Structure that holds file specific elements
int findFirstContextImage = _findfirst(context_path, &allFiles); //Int variable holding result of the findfirst function
//where -1 = no image fround and any other number = image found
tempStruct.fileName = allFiles.name;
tempStruct.createTime = allFiles.time_create;
if (findFirstContextImage != -1 ) {
int findNextContextImage = 0; //iterator for next context image in dir
while (findNextContextImage != -1) {
findNextContextImage = _findnext(findFirstContextImage, &allFiles);
tempStruct.fileName = allFiles.name;
tempStruct.createTime = allFiles.time_create;
_findclose(findFirstContextImage); //Close findfirst file function to prevent memory leaks
else {
cout << "There are no .img files in this directory!" << endl; //error handling for when there are no context files
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