from bittrex import Bittrex
api = Bittrex('0c7a0faxxxxxx4ac5aa', 'fce8a555xxx3xxac10')
# getting BTCBalance
trade = 'BTC'
pumpcurrency = raw_input('which currency would you like to pump?')
market = '{0}-{1}'.format(trade, pumpcurrency)
BTCbalance = api.get_balance(trade)['result']['Available']
print "Your balance is {0} {1}.".format(BTCbalance, trade)
# Getting the BTC price for your pumpable currency
cryptosummary = api.getmarketsummary(market)
currencyprice = cryptosummary['result'][0]['Last']
print 'The price for {0} is {1:.8f} {2}.'.format(pumpcurrency, currencyprice, trade)
# Amount of coins to buy
amount = (BTCbalance*.99)/currencyprice
# How big of a profit you want to make
multiplier = 1+ float(raw_input("How much profit would you like to make? (input percentage as integer)"))/100
print ("Selling at "+str(multiplier) +"x profit")
# Buying the pump currency for BTC
api.buy_limit('BTC-ARK', float(.1), .00000011)
print ('Buying ' +str(amount)+" "+ pumpcurrency + ' at ' + str(currencyprice) + " each.")
# Multiplying the price by the multiplier
#sellprice = round(currencyprice*multiplier, 8)
# Selling pumped for profit
#print 'Selling {0} {1} for {2:.8f} {3}.'.format(amount, pumpcurrency, sellprice, trade)
api.sell_limit('BTC-MYST', .1, .1)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我想我已经得到了答案 在Bittrex上购买订单的最低50K satoshis值。