我想要并行化我的代码。 R初始化集群,但它不会将工作分配给处理器。换句话说,我可以创建worker,但它不使用CPU容量。
psim <- function(objects, vertices){
if(vertices <= 2){
stop("Insert a vertex number more than 2")
if(objects < 1){
stop("Insert a valid objects number")
polygons <- NULL
for(i in 1:objects) polygons[[i]] <- matrix(runif(vertices*2), ncol = 2)
#parallel is used to decide to use parallelization or not.
pfreq <- function(polygons, parallel = F){
## Very fast ##
np <- length(polygons)
nv <- nrow(polygons[[1]])
polygons1 <- matrix(0,nrow = nv, ncol = np)
polygons2 <- matrix(0,nrow = nv, ncol = np)
for(temp in 1:np){
polygons1[ ,temp] <- polygons[[temp]][,1]
polygons2[ ,temp] <- polygons[[temp]][,2]
minX <- min(polygons1)
maxX <- max(polygons1)
minY <- min(polygons2)
maxY <- max(polygons2)
ratioX <- (maxX - minX)/np
ratioY <- (maxY - minY)/np
rectangles <- list()
l <- 1
for(j in 1:(np)){
for(i in 1:(np)){
rectangles[[l]] <- matrix(c(minX + (i-1)*ratioX, minY + (j-1)*ratioY, minX + (i-1)*ratioX, minY + j*ratioY,
minX + i*ratioX, minY + j*ratioY, minX + i*ratioX, minY + (j-1)*ratioY), ncol = 2, byrow = T)
l <- l + 1
polygons <- lapply(polygons, function(x) as(x, "gpc.poly"))
rectangles <- lapply(rectangles, function(x) as(x, "gpc.poly"))
polygons_area <- sapply(polygons, function(x) rgeos::area.poly(x))
n_rectangles <- length(rectangles)
## Very slow ##
cores <- getDoParWorkers()
cl <- makeCluster(cores, type = "SOCK")
frequency <- foreach(k = 1 : np, .combine = "cbind",
.packages = c("rgeos", "base")) %:%
foreach(l = 1 : n_rectangles, .combine = 'c') %dopar%
area.poly(intersect(polygons[[k]], rectangles[[l]]))/polygons_area[k]
frequency <- matrix(0, ncol = n_rectangles, nrow = np)
for(k in 1:np){
for(l in 1:n_rectangles){
frequency[i, j] <- area.poly(intersect(polygons[[k]], rectangles[[l]]))/polygons_area[k]
frequency <- matrix(frequency, ncol = length(polygons), byrow = F)
frequency <- matrix(apply(frequency, 1, sum), ncol = length(polygons))
relative_frequency_temp <- frequency/length(polygons)
test <- psim(50, 3)
pfreq(test, T)