我需要在Coded UI Test自动化中选择treeview中的项目。我提出了自己的解决方案。我看到一些性能问题,因为它运行缓慢。有关改善表现的任何建议吗?
中给出了节点文本的示例 /// <summary>
/// Selects item in a tree view control.
/// Eg nodePath: 2017>Jan>21. This will expand 2017 then Jan and select 21st date in treeview
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentControl">Tree view control</param>
/// <param name="nodePath">Path where the item to be selected is located. Parent and child are separated with '>'</param>
public static void SelectItemInTreeView(this WpfTree parentControl, string nodePath)
char splitter = '>';
string[] treePath = nodePath.Split(splitter);
WpfTreeItem parentNode = null;
UITestControlCollection childNodes = parentControl.Nodes;
bool itemSelected = false;
string root = treePath[0];
string lastItemInTreePath = treePath[treePath.Length - 1];
foreach (string pathElement in treePath)
bool found = false;
foreach (WpfTreeItem item in childNodes)
UITestControl itemCheck = item.GetChildren().Where(x => x.ControlType == ControlType.Text && x.Name == pathElement).FirstOrDefault();
if (itemCheck != null)
found = true;
WpfTreeItem currentItem = null;
if (itemCheck.Name.Equals(lastItemInTreePath))
item.Selected = true;
itemSelected = true;
currentItem = (parentNode == null) ? new WpfTreeItem(parentControl) : new WpfTreeItem(parentNode);
currentItem.TechnologyName = "UIA";
currentItem.SearchProperties[WpfTreeItem.PropertyNames.Name] = item.Name;
currentItem.Expanded = true;
parentNode = currentItem;
if (!found)
Assert.Fail("Error in Tree view path. Correct your input Treeview path: {0}", nodePath);
if (!itemSelected)
childNodes = parentNode.Nodes;