Depth <- c(40,60,70,80,85,90)
D2H <- c(-60,-65,-63,-67,-58,-66)
A1 <- data.frame(Depth, D2H)
for (i in 1:8) {
Ax <- get((paste("A",i,sep="")))# reads in the dataframe
A_40[i] <- subset(Ax$D2H, Ax$Depth == 40) #writes the value of D2H at depth 40 into the new vector
A_60[i] <- subset(Ax$D2H, Ax$Depth == 60)
不包含Depth = 40
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Depth <- c(40,60,70,80,85,90)
D2H <- c(-60,-65,-63,-67,-58,-66)
A1 <- data.frame(Depth, D2H)
set.seed(123) ## these would be your other 7 data frames in your case
A2 <- A1[sample(nrow(A1), nrow(A1), replace = TRUE),]
A3 <- A1[sample(nrow(A1), nrow(A1), replace = TRUE),]
A4 <- A1[sample(nrow(A1), nrow(A1), replace = TRUE),]
A5 <- A1[sample(nrow(A1), nrow(A1), replace = TRUE),]
A6 <- A1[sample(nrow(A1), nrow(A1), replace = TRUE),]
A7 <- A1[sample(nrow(A1), nrow(A1), replace = TRUE),]
A8 <- A1[sample(nrow(A1), nrow(A1), replace = TRUE),]
mydflist <- list(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8)
newlist40 <- lapply(mydflist, function(x) subset(x$D2H, x$Depth == 40))
newlist60 <- lapply(mydflist, function(x) subset(x$D2H, x$Depth == 60))
newlist40.b <- lapply(newlist40, function(x) if(length(x)==0) x <- NA else x)
newlist40.final <- unlist(lapply(newlist40.b, unique)) ## if you want unique values from each array in list
# newlist40.final <- unlist(newlist40.b) # if you don't
newlist60.b <- lapply(newlist60, function(x) if(length(x)==0) x <- NA else x)
newlist60.final <- unlist(lapply(newlist60.b, unique)) ## if you want unique values from each array in list
# newlist60.final <- unlist(newlist60.b) # if you don't
答案 1 :(得分:0)
for (i in 1:8) {
Ax <- get((paste("A",i,sep="")))# reads in the dataframe
if (length(subset(Ax$D2H, Ax$Depth == 40) > 0) {A_40[i] <- subset(Ax$D2H, Ax$Depth == 40)
} else { A_40[i] = NA }
if (length(subset(Ax$D2H, Ax$Depth == 60) > 0) {A_60[i] <- subset(Ax$D2H, Ax$Depth == 60)
} else { A_60[i] = NA }